
Carousel slider on JS

HTML <div class="slider"> <div class="slider-wrapper"> <section class="slider-item"></section> &l ... to simplify and take a ready-made library? the slider? Just not Jquery, for one chip to use the entire site is inconvenient.

The image in the carousel does not adapt in height

Maybe I searched poorly, but I never found the answer. In the carousel (Bootstrap 4), the image adapts to the width resolutio ... <span class="sr-only">Next</span> </a> </div> </div> </body> </html>

Make a Slick Slider

There is a task - to make such a slider: Chose to implement slick. Here's what happened ` ... ed to make two active slides. I'm alone now. Perhaps there are other solutions besides slick slider, I will be glad to hear.

Advise such a slider/carousel jquery

Does anyone know of such a slider in mind, so that you can set the number of divs for one slide? Read more: there is, for exa ... y need to set one item per slide and there will be 6 slides, respectively. I hope I explained it clearly. In advance thanks.

Gallery with category filter

I need to implement the following: category buttons + category Gallery I have several categories on my website and an image ... t src="[email protected]/dist/glide.js"></script> </body> </html>

CSS-only carousel: issues centering and pinning size

I have a carousel created with CSS only, but I have identified some difficulties. All images are in 4: 3 ratio and can be up ... lt;/div> </body> </html> Can anyone help me find a solution or at least a balance in the measures?

How to remove white margin from a carousel (Bootstrap)?

I created a carousel on my site through Bootstrap code, and I want it to occupy the entire width of the screen (100vw) and al ... margin: 0px; } body { height: 400vh; } #topo { width: 100vw; height: 90vh; } .carousel_img { width: 100%; height: 100%; }

How to decrease the space between Carousel Bootstrap 4 images?

Good night folks, I'd like to know how I can narrow that white space between the carousel images. Can someone please help me? ... 1" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> </body> </html> I'd like it to look like this:

Carousel does not load the second image on the mobile in the portrait position

Hello, I have a carousel on my site that is the basis to show my products, it works well on pc (shows 4 images in sequence) ... </div> Could anyone help me with this detail? Is this way on the mobile, on the right is an empty space.

Dynamic multi items carousel using bootstrap

I'm having trouble making a dynamic multi-item carousel with only two columns bootstrap , when I tell the amount of columns i ... re row below, could anyone help me? As it should look: Follows an example with 3 columns:

Click on Carousel Materialize

Oi I am a few days away looking for the solution to the following problem: I need to create a carousel that is clickable (tha ... lt;script> $('.carousel.carousel-slider').carousel({ }); </script> </body>

Create responsive image carousel in Bootstrap [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... the height of the image becomes very small. How to do for the height of the image to be the size I want on smaller screens?

Bootstrap carousel is resizing images!

I'm trying to put a carousel of images next to a static image. The problem is that when you transition from one image to anot ... t; </div> The CSS code is imported from Bootstrap, so it has none code .css that I have made. Thank you.

Problem with HTML and CSS carousel

When I click on the link that directs me to the respective slide, it is kind of anchoring and sliding the page down a bit, ho ... </div> </div> </div>

How to hide the next and previous button in the last and first carousel content?

I'm using a Bootstrap Carousel, but I need the button next to sum up when the last item arrives and the button previous to ... l-control').show(); } else { $this.children('.carousel-control').show(); } } </script>

Isset does not work

Good afternoon. I'm making a shared racing web application, like "Uber". I want you to present a list of drivers registered ... lt;?php include("componentes/view.php"); ?> </div> </div> <?php include("componentes/footer.php"); ?>

Carousel with different display duration for each item

How could I make a carousel with an element, with each element having a different display duration? Ex.: one (element) of 5 ... e0; } .slick-slide { text-align: center; color: #419be0; background: white; } Https:// /

How do I put next / prev buttons and dots controls in my slideshow with css / javascript?

Hello, I am going through a lot of difficulties to make my slideshow, the best I could do was an automatic slideshow, only I ... if(i < images.length - 1){ i++; }else { i = 0; } setTimeout("changeImg()", time); } window.onload = changeImg;

How to make a text-only slide in bootstrap [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ="|Source+Sans+Pro:200i&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> </head>

owl carousel does not work [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... iv class="item"><img src="img/03.jpg"" alt="Mirror Edge"></div> </div> </body> </html>