
Creating Random objects WITHOUT duplicate objects

.Hello, good people. My task is to randomly determine the number of so-called survivors and list them. The problem is that th ... nt deletion of the object selected by random, but it did not work. I will be glad to hear the options your decisions. Thanks.

case, if, and import java.util. Scanner. Need a hint

The TOR is simple. The program should ask a question, get an answer, and, depending on the answer received, output a certain ... sn't work. I will be glad if you suggest an idea. ZY:I only decided to become a Javist a couple of days ago, so don't spit)

how to implement case T-SQL in where

How can I implement the case selection operator in the where condition? You need to do the following: the stored procedure a ... 1 then t.type = 1 when 2 then t.type != 1 when 3 then t.type = t.type Ms sql server 2012

Add the functionality of the Enter and Backspace keys to the working calculator [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... <span class="action operator">&times;</span> </div> </div> Codepen version.

MySQL output strings based on the IF/ELSE CASE query conditions

Let's say there is such a table _ _ test_if_else. It is necessary to output the lines corresponding to two conditions. In ... he table, with certain identifiers, but in the absence of the string 'en'(which is checked first), output the rows with 'ru'?

Difference between normal avg and using case when in MySQL

I have two queries that are supposed to give the same result, however it is not happening. Can someone explain to me why it ... E ID = 8258867; Note: I need to do the second way, because I need to return the values of the averages per day in columns.

Exchange elseif code for switch case

I'm having trouble changing a code I made in else if to switch case. I'm not getting the code to work, it gets values and ope ... $result = $num1*$num2; else $result = $num1/$num2; echo "O resultado é: ".$result; } }

Compare NULL using case SQL

I have to retrieve 2 fields in this query (number of projects and the manager that runs such a project). This query will be u ... r_executo I did a test with the acronym of one of the managers and it returns the text correctly. I appreciate the help.

Switch command does not work and has no errors

I am trying to solve the following exercise: to elaborate an algorithm that assists in the control of a cattle farm that has ... case 6: printf("Pressione qualquer tecla para sair..."); system("Pause"); break; } }

Update with Case when needs where?

UPDATE bethadba.FOFILHOS SET CPF = CASE WHEN CODI_EMP = 61 AND I_EMPREGADOS = 156 AND i_filhos = 1 THEN '00551366133' WHE ... ndents, I told him I would not bug. Can anyone tell me for sure whether or not to have WHERE? Bank: Sybase SQL Anywhere 16.

Use CASE in a WHERE clause

I need to use a condition within a filter parameter in a report. Basically the rule is determined by a vachar field that its ... ao between '2018-01-01' and GETDATE() ELSE NotFis.dt_CAD between '2018-01-01' and GETDATE() END)

Use IF function in SQL as if excel [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... D2 // Vários joins WHERE com várias condições GROUP BY D2_FILIAL, // Várias outras colunas no group CALC_QUANT