
Make comparison using String.Contains () disregarding casing

I need to check if a certain term exists within a string (in SQL it's something like like '%termo%'). The point is that I ne ... uim Pedro Soares"; mainStr.Contains("JOA"); mainStr.Contains("Quim"); mainStr.Contains("PEDRO"); mainStr.Contains("PeDro");

SQL like Is Case Sensitive?

When I had this question, I did not find quick results in Portuguese that offered an answer(most of the results are in StackO ... ? if you search for a name with an accent it is possible that it identify that "Luis" is related to" Luis " and vice versa?

Search with case insensitive

Talk guys good afternoon, I have a search field but I need it to return the values regardless of toLowerCase() and toUpperCas ... query) != -1){... I only succeed when I search for ball I need this function to be case insensitive, can anyone help me ?

Why, in PHP, are some predefined constants case-insensitive?

Why, in PHP, some predefined constants are case-insensitive (do not differentiate uppercase from Lowercase) and others are no ... med 'php_EOL' As it turns out, in the latter case it generates error, and in the first one it does not generate any error!

Are there objective advantages in a language being "case sensitive" or not?

Or is this just taste? Do not want if you like one more than the other. I don't care why people like one or the other more. ... do not understand the subject, I'm talking about the syntax of the language. I'm talking about the keywords, the identifiers.