
PHP API posting in Viber chat

You need to implement posting in Viber chats without human participation. I found out that it is not possible to do this as i ... st added the bot to the chat and that's it. What are the general ways to implement this in PHP? maybe some library or client.

Chat with in-app notifications

I have an Android application that inside it, the user can send message to the administrator (me). I wanted to do a cooler th ... eve that it is not the best to do and I think that it would not be so easy to implement. Does anyone know a way to do this?

How to open the Facebook Messenger Customer Chat Plugin from another button?

I am implementing the Facebook chat plugin on a website, where it renders an iframe on the page. I would like to know if it i ... _dialog.fb_dialog_advanced").remove(); //coloca dentro do link $("a#btFacebook").append(getBtChat); All help is welcome...

Chat PHP how to use? [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ionado5"> <a href="#" title="Purificadores">Purificadores</a></h4> </body> </html>

How to design a basic socket client application

First of all I apologize for the long text, and for the various points asked. I thought it best to throw everyone into a ques ... loop to keep the connection open? How can I avoid this? I thank any feedback. I threw this question also in SO in English .

Insert emoji into html input

I would like to know because when I enter the emoji code in an input in the html does not appear the emoji but the hexadecima ... ="send_msg" name="message" class="write_msg" value="&#x1f603;" role="image" placeholder="Digite aqui sua mensagem" />