
Problems in automating sending messages on WhatsApp through Selenium library by Python

Greetings! I am with a project of automatic sending of messages via WhatsApp that consists of sending messages provided with ... des so that I can insert special characters into a file .txt and send it by WhatsApp by selenium. Grateful for the attention.

Problems with python libraries, ChatBot

I'm having problems in the Python library, specifically the ChatBot, the error is as follows: from chatterbot import Chatb ... while True: frase = Bot.escuta() resp = Bot.pensa(frase) Bot.fala(resp) if resp == ('falou'): break

ChatBot respond only when a specific word is contained in the sentence

I am creating a chatbot on Telegram that can answer questions from users in the group. The bot needs a keyword to start chatt ... lf.clean(message)) else: return "Algo de errado não está certo"\ " Digite /info para saber mais."

How to add external training in chatterbot

I created a very simple bot to learn how to use chatterbot. This library already comes with a training, but I wanted to put a ... (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError, SystemExit): break That's all I have. How can I import this corpus into my chatbot?

How to update a card-message already sent in microsoft-teams using connectors?

I am developing two microservices, one that sends a card-message to microsoft-teams, and another that receives the action tak ... entire teams back to the request. Above is an example of code forwarding a simple card with the header informed by microsoft.

Virtual assistant [closed]

closed . This question is opinionated and is not accepting answers. ... / I accept tips, opinions and cursing. From now on I thank everyone for understanding!