
CNC.htaccess (PHP)

Guys, hi, everyone. Tell me how to remove the display .php in the address bar via .htaccess. For example there is a page test ... e same time, so that all this is displayed normally. Tell me who faced it. I would be very grateful for an article or advice!

Wordpress CNC get parameter

There is a page stranicza-profilya, I output the get parameter on it site.com/stranicza-profilya/?id=field845604 Please tell ... ly in htaccess, since wp automatically creates it and there is a chance that it may be lost in the future his. Please help me

CNC links using.htaccess

Hello. There is such a url address http://домен/index.php?table=datapages&pages=news I want to use it .htaccess get t ... n RewriteRule ^index/([^/]+)/([^/]+) index.php?table=$1&pages=$2 It should work, but nothing changes, help if you can.

How to make a CNC on a site written in Node.js?

Please tell me how the site is written in Node.js, implemented by cnc?

Rules for the CNC

Task Share section-configure the CNC address for page-by-page navigation, now when you go to page 2-it has this address: http ... SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/footer.php"); ?> - via the visual editor, maybe the reason is a bitrix failure?

I can't configure the Yii2 CNC

In the file web.php 'urlManager' settings the last rule does not apply to urls of type http://yii2/default?view=about I don't ... => 'about', 'class' => 'yii\web\ViewAction', 'viewPrefix' => 'default' ] ]; }

Why can't the CNC rule work in Bitrix?

There is a rule in urlrewrite.php 1 => array ( 'CONDITION' => '#^/news/([0-9a-zA-Z-]+)/#', ... . I tried to raise the rule higher in the file. Now it is the first in the array , it still does not help. What can I do it?