
Implementation of signing by the GOST 34.10-2012 algorithm

There is a system with EDS, on which signing was implemented using the algorithm GOST R 34.11-94. There is a client cryptopro ... Right? And also, where you can get a test certificate with the signature algorithm GOST R 34.10-2012.. Thank you in advance.

Signature for Gmail in HTML format

I'm trying to create a signature on Gmail, in html format. But for some reason, when sending a message, the signature is disp ... риант подписи</div> Instead of a square with text, the text is displayed: I will be grateful for an explanation.

I can't digitally sign the driver for windows 7 64

There is such a wonderful Firadisk driver, but it just so happens that it is not digitally signed, and on Windows 7 64bit it ... s at turning off digital signature verification. How can I sign a driver without buying an expensive certificate for a year?