
How do virtual functions work in c#?

Is there even a concept of a virtual function table in sharpe? Let's say there is a class hierarchy, in the class at the top ... the table of virtual functions for structures works, since the methods are overridden. Thank you in advance for your answers

C++ CLI-reference to an unresolved token

This code is not executed in the project: TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, sizeof(szPath)); HKEY hg; ... pplies to lib libraries, and working with the register is described in windows.h - header file, how to connect it via pragma?

CLR20r3 error during method execution (binding to TabControl) from C#,WPF code

Problem signature: Имя события проблемы: CLR20r3<br> Сигнатура проблемы 01: borejournals.exe<br> Сигна ... nchecked values from the list in the collection, I check for null everything that is possible, but the problem is not gone =/

Why pass an array by reference to the Array.Resize() method?

The abstract Array class has a static method Array.Resize(ref T[] array, int newSize), which, as you can see, takes the first ... mory in the heap and it creates a new reference to this memory or uses an existing one, that's where the "bastard is buried".

Using Python 3 with C#

Hello! Is it possible to integrate python 3 and C#? There is an application in c# in which you want to add scripting funct ... is is not possible, are there any other scripting languages that integrate well with the CLR (not just at the Interop level)?

Memory allocation in C# - Value Types and reference types

In C# there is a difference between how memory is allocated by the CLR for reference types (classes) and value types (structu ... does this distinction exist? After all, classes and structures, despite having differences, are quite similar to each other.

What is the behavior of static variables no.NET?

What is the behavior of static variables in .NET? are they stored in the heap or in the stack?

Using unused affect performance?

While developing, I saw that in a large part of my classes contained a certain amount of using that were not being used and I ... ing unused affect application performance in any way? Do you always have to remove unused ones or will it make no difference?

How does Unity use C # not Android?

I recently started to be interested in game development (initially for the Android platform) and that's why I met the engine ... nd JVM? I thought it was only possible to do this through the Shamarim. How is the issue of SDK and access to system APIs?

What is it o.NET Core?

Microsoft announced a new .NET Core . What the hell is this?

Does the garbage collector really exist? Why then is there a memory leak in runtimes that use it?

I've heard of memory leakage in Oracle.DataAccess.dll and in large applications developed for runtimes with garbage collector. If the garbage collector exists in these runtimes , Why is there a memory leak?