
Authorization on the site via another site

Good time to all of you. There is a task. On my site there is authorization, you need to make sure that when filling in the l ... ied to hack, but I can't figure out how to form an authorization request and redirect the user. Tell me something practical.

2 ajaxForm on one page MODX Revolution?

MODX version: Revolution First form: [[!AjaxForm? &snippet=`FormIt` &form=`ajaxForm` &emailTpl=`email_ ... e red-fox. online (the first form is in the futor link "sign up for a trial session", the second form is on the RedFox page).

How to write your SMS correctly?

There are questions about writing your CMS. I know a lot of examples, and in general, such systems are not very popular... bu ... dmin panel, too, but I was told that it would be potentially unsafe, why? How to protect the admin panel-a more reliable way?

Editing a website directly from the hosting

Good afternoon, colleagues! There is a question, what are the ways to facilitate the life of a web developer in editing a sit ... simple task. In general, experienced web developers, how to perform this action according to all the rules of etiquette =)

Please help UMI. CMS Multilingual site

Hello. I really ask for help from experts in TPL-CMS UMI templates. The template has a menu output %content menu ('main', 1,' ... t understand what the error is. I read the UMI documentation about multilingualism. I didn't find any details on the forum.

Creating a CMS with your own hands [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... there any interesting material on the production of templates, admin panel, etc.? Suddenly someone saw what I did not finish.

Popup maker doesn't work

You need to make a pop-up window with the form a minute after the user opens the site. The form itself is implemented on Cont ... , but not on the real page. P.S. I suffer for two and a half hours, it feels like I've already searched the entire Internet.

How to find out the cms of a site using a script (Python)

I want to find out the cms of the list of sites in an automated way

pdoPage does not work in ModX Revo

The buttons have been created and are working. Here is the link of the" second " pagination button ... at the link is generated correctly, apparently I messed up the settings for "Friendly URLs". But I couldn't fix what exactly.

Choosing a CMS to integrate into an existing one ASP.NET MVC project [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... s well as add multilingualism to the site. Please help me choose an existing CMS for the solution (the CMS must be on ASP).

Changing content without reloading the page [closed]

Closed. This question should be specified . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... Hello. There is cms amxbans how to change the content without reloading the page, output from other files.

What is the best way to write a website?

Logistics. Project goal: reload our cars with the cargo of third-party contractors, followed by unloading at retail outlets ... nt with the application history. I can't decide which cms is better or still write manually. I ask for the advice of experts

Running the CMS from the PHP console

You need to run Bitrix in the PHP console. But, of course, when running a path like "/bitrix/header.php" and others, are coun ... uire(/bitrix/header.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/mysite/index.php on line 1 Well, etc.

CMS, Framework, MVC

What is the difference between CMS framework and MVC? in fact, SUS is a ready-made site that can be finished without programming knowledge, but the framework and MVC posuti are the same thing, but why do they say that these are different things?

Integration of layout in WordPress?

Tell me, please, there is a layout of the site, one main page, and 2 internal ones. The internal ones have different HTML cod ... when you go to this page in the address bar, the template is not applied. Please tell me how to implement all this correctly

How to set up the output and sorting of categories by hierarchy in wordpress

Good evening, I use a website on WordPress. The site uses WooCommerce and All in one SEO plugins. The site works as an onlin ... <span class="posted_in">' . _n( 'Category:', 'Categories:', $cat_count, 'woocommerce' ) . ' ', '</span>' ); ?>

1C - Bitrix CIBlockElement Update

What am I doing wrong ? Why isn't the custom property updated ? According to the official documentation like, here is the cod ... > '' ); $PRODUCT_ID = 3866; // изменяем элемент с кодом (ID) $res = $el->Update($PRODUCT_ID, $arLoadProductArray);

ModX shopkeeper - how to edit an order email?

I receive such a letter after the order: You need the name of the ordered products to be a text, not a link (as in this case Pizza option 3). Tell me where that can be corrected?

1C-Bitrix CIBlockElement::GetByID

Need in the file bitrix/php_interface/init.php print the value of the block property. There is an info block with id = 6, it ... return; <? $res = CIBlockElement::GetByID($_GET["PID"]); if($ar_res = $res->GetNext()) echo $ar_res['NAME']; ?>

How to add your menu item to the OpenCart 2.0 admin panel

Help who knows, kok can display your menu item in the opencart admin panel 2.0 Through the module where to dig perhaps there is some method for adding your own menu?