
Check if a user registered with the bank has already registered cpf

Hello, guys I'm needing to check in the bank if a logged in user already has registered cpf and return if it is false or not. ... This model query is wrong and incomplete because I could not finish, I want to return the data of the user who is logged in.

Aggregation of CodeIgniter 3 objects

I am having a question related to object aggregation using CodeIgniter 3.1.9. I have the following method in model : publi ... sible to already instantiate the Ticket and the Solicitante that aggregate at once. Can anyone help me? I appreciate it now!

Clicking the modal button does not open confirmation window

I'm having problem with the modal that doesn't work, i.e. doesn't open on screen. I am using DataTables to list database ite ... y, when I add button from the modal straight into the html, it works. However, when ajax plays in DataTables it doesn't work.