
Run Cronjob Codeigniter

How to run a method of a class in Codeigniter via CronJob? Ex: principal.php accessed in ... public function listaCron() { file_put_contents("teste.txt", "Crontab executado em: ".date(‘d/m/Y H:i’)); } }

Error the requested URL was not found on this server

Hello, I am currently a beginner in codeiginiter and I need to deliver a project CRUD in college, so far I made connection wi ... php } } ?> </tbody> </table> </code>

Inserting data into the database with codeigniter in different tables in the same controller

I have two tables in the database, a form with the fields of table1 and table2! the insertion of table1 fields are occurring ... lso created the insert's functions in the same model, but it did not work too! Why can't I insert data into the other table?

Convert Php billet to PDF

I need to convert HTML generated PHP billets to PDF. Codeigniter-ticket I tried to use the DomPDF library, as well as FPDF ... ->helper('mpdf'); $html = ($this->boleto->bb($dados)); pdf_create($html, 'boleto' . date('d/m/y'), TRUE); }

Php Codeigniter-algorithm to generate string base from database data

Good Night guys, how are things? Let's get to my problem. I have the data saved in this way in the bank: Basically a proje ... one. What would be the best way to solve what I want. My knowledge is limited to php and JS (ajax) gambiars. Grateful now

Calculate hours in PHP?

I am developing an electronic point in PHP and would like to know how to do the two-hour Caculo being one of them is negative ... example: Hourly load Day 1: -05:00:00 Hourly load Day 2: 08:00:00 How would the two-hour bill get the balance of hours?

Update with Codeigniter

I'm trying to update my database using codeigniter, but the update is not running. HTML: <?php echo form_open('Texto/al ... roller I put echo just to know in which part of if was falling, and what appears is the success message, but nothing changes.

Make session expire after 5 minutes of inactivity

Hello, I'm lost in this logic, I'm using codeigniter, and I'm trying to expire the session after 5 minutes of inactivade (if ... ting like this, I have reviewed this code more than a thousand times, if you can help me by giving me a light, I am grateful.

Error message when putting translation in CodeIgniter

Does anyone know how to solve this: An Error Was Encountered: Unable to load the requested language file: language/portu ... ese-brazilian'; (after deleting english). Obs.: the form_validation_lang file.php is in the portuguese-brazilian folder.