
Separate clients in foreach with mpdf

My scenario is as follows, I generate a pdf file using the mpdf library and this pdf file is a query of intervals between cli ... e the image and follow the code where I generate the pdf: The code is here Thank you now

How to take an image from view (html) and send it to a controller (php) using codeigniter?

I Need to go to a picture of mine - view - to controller, it is just a string with the url of the html element to the whole ... oogle charts, it is gigantic and I can not do by throwing straight at the URL like the other parameters, can someone help me?

Update Codeigniter

I am trying to do a UPDATE in the database using CodeIgniter, however the UPDATE is not running the way I would like. What h ... array ("conteudo"=>$this->conteudo); return $this->db->update('tb_processos_manuais',$dadosmanual_update); }

Data in the Codeigniter Framework

I'm trying to create a Date field in the codeligniter for the user to inform the date, I created a helper file with the code ... echo form_date('data', 'data'); HOW DO I ADD A NAME TO THIS DATE FIELD AND CALL IT AGAIN TO ASSIGN ITS VALUE TO A VARIABLE.

Check if a user registered with the bank has already registered cpf

Hello, guys I'm needing to check in the bank if a logged in user already has registered cpf and return if it is false or not. ... This model query is wrong and incomplete because I could not finish, I want to return the data of the user who is logged in.

Problem with Session in CodeIgniter after putting site on new hosting

I have the following problem: when trying to perform login in some browsers or even on mobile (it does not occur in all, my ... . Additional The PHP version was in 7.3 on hostinger, I went back to 7.1 to see if it fixed, but nothing changed

Show record without page refresh

Good afternoon, I swear I've researched everything that is place, but I only see teaching how to create chat :'( I am devel ... _unidade) ->get(); return $resultado->result_array(); } I'm sorry, if you happen to get confused.

Display user name logged in with CodeIgniter

How do I display the user name logged into the system? The function that authenticates and creates the session is this: f ... session->set_userdata('aluno', $check); redirect('dashboard'); } else { redirect(''); } }

How to translate this query to CodeIgniter query builder?

I'm having a hard time assembling this query in CodeIgniter, can someone give me a little help? select ... and (venda_itens.secao between 1 and 30) group by venda_itens.secao order by v.data_venda desc, venda_itens.secao;

Undefined variable in CodeIgniter

I am learning CodeIgniter and trying to pass an array to the View through my controller and when I call that array in the vie ... result () on a non-object in C:\Program Files(x86)\EasyPHP-\www\mark_consult\application\views \ list.php on line 21

Ajax request problem-Maximum call stack size exceeded

Good afternoon, I have this simple code below using js but it returns me the error that is in the print below: Note: I am ... alert(data); } }) }; }); });

Add data in array () in PHP

I am developing a cart in PHP, however, when adding items to array, I am not succeeding, I tried as follows: if($this->s ... de a new item in the array, it replaces, and does not add. How can I just add items? Note: I'm using codeigniter to render.

Ajax request with Error Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

Guys, good afternoon ! I am setting up a location manager, and I am having trouble querying the required fields, it is retur ... showErrorsModal(response["error_list"]) } } }) return false; })

CodeIgniter-how to make a select in the bank query?

I am making a patient list application for surgery and using CodeIgniter and Bootstrap. My doubt is how to make a select in t ... </td> </tr> <?php }?> </tbody> </table> </div>

Failed to load helper " Unable to load the requested file: helpers/login helper.php"

Good Morning folks, I can't load my helper with CodeIgniter, I have no idea what happens: My autoload.php looks like this: ... ; } } ?> And this error appears: An Error Was Encountered Unable to load the requested file: helpers/login_helper.php

CI on host, does not work

I have Xampp installed and locally my CRUD code Igniter works. On the host, on the subdomain is giving 404 page not found. ... urrent .htacess, is an example that I searched here in this link: Nothing....

Capturing values from a Select to the Controller-Codeigniter

Good Morning Galerinha, all beauty? I'm starting with codeigniter and in the middle of this process I came across a question ... t;option>Only me</option> <option>Team</option> </select>

How to get the exact date and time after updating a record?

Whenever I update the user data, it returns me the wrong time, for example: I updated the user profile at 16: 41, but in my ... Data date_default_timezone_set('America/Sao_Paulo'); $data = array( 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d : H:m:s', time()), );

javascript response does not appear on the page, only in the console

Good Night, I'm using codeigniter, I'm implementing the pagseguro api, and I'm using javascript to set the session id and c ... tarMeiosPag, should show the result in the div, but it does not work, and I do not know the pq, if you can help me thank you.

Aggregation of CodeIgniter 3 objects

I am having a question related to object aggregation using CodeIgniter 3.1.9. I have the following method in model : publi ... sible to already instantiate the Ticket and the Solicitante that aggregate at once. Can anyone help me? I appreciate it now!