
Java. Reading from the COM port

There are large industrial scales, data from them comes to the computer on the com port. There is a program running on the co ... , when I opened the port programmatically, will it be available to the program that receives this data and writes to the log?

Control of the device from a computer via the COM port on Windows

Good afternoon, I need to implement an E7-25 instrument control program. This device is connected to the computer via a USB ... estions. Am I sending the data to the port correctly? And am I receiving them correctly from the port? Thank you in advance.

COM Port in python: how to wait for data without loading the CPU

There is a program that accepts data from the COM port. There is a problem, how to make the program wait for data and not run ... for line in ser.readline(): forchar = forchar + 1 idcom.append(line) if forchar >= 13: break

C++ COM using fstream

I read data from the com port I did it using ReadFile, which I never seriously worked with before, the code is just incompreh ... t<<t; } } The program stops at the line in. read(&t,sizeof(t)); and does not respond to input data.

Invalid COM port response when using USB-COM (python)

When trying to read the response from the COM port when using the USB-COM adapter, it turns out to read either garbage(incomp ... if (raw[3] != (2 * raw[1] + raw[0] + 1) & 0xFF): print("В ответе неверная контрольная сумма!") return 1