
How to return the project to a specific commit?

Assuming a condition where, I have a project with 20 commits, and I decide for unexplained reasons to return some commits ind ... t log, and after located, how do I revert to a specific commit? What possible problems can I encounter? And how to heal them?

Commit a file from the vendor folder

My vendor folder is by default ignored and I know this is the right one, but it happens that I need to commit a specific file that is in this folder, would it be like? If not, what other solution can I adopt?

Revert a commit that has not yet received push, and with several comits waiting to receive push

In one of the commits I made I include a folder with several files which total about 5GB, trying to push the same commit an e ... a", in desperation I tried to rename it to statistics but that did not solve the problem. Thank you very much for your help.

Difference from: "git commit-am" and " - m"

What would be the difference between typing: git commit -m "Teste" and git commit -am "Teste"? I'm learning about Git and would like to know how to differentiate this.