
What is programming language, IDE and compiler?

Starting in programming is not always easy, in addition to terms to learn to "write the code", there are dozens of terms, tec ... ing out, my question is: what is a programming language, an IDE and a compiler? What is the relationship between these items?

Is there a difference between a compiler and an interpreter?

What is the big difference between a compiler and an interpreter? In languages like C, Java is used a compiler, while in Jav ... I was confronted with the term JIT (just in time compiler). How can I classify JavaScript processing in this specific case?

How is a compiler made?

Is a compiler programmed in which language? Are all compilers of a language the same or can one exist better than another?

The first programming language

Until the time when computers were purely mechanical and were programmed by punched cards I understand how it works. Then, ... t of an assembly is another file in text format with 0's and 1's only? Or are electrical impulses sent to the valved machine.

I am having a problem with Dev C++ in displaying members of a class

To be more exact, when I squeeze "."after some object, type I declare a Vector: vector<int>Random; So far everythin ... l a function and the compiler does not show the arguments that go into the function, who uses dev c++ knows what I'm talking.

What is a JITter?

In the context of software development what is a JITter? More and more is being talked about and several languages are using the much talked about JIT compilation. In what does it differ from a compiler?

How can I check if a variable has been declared (desenv. from a compiler in Java)

I am having a hard time implementing a demonstration of a semantic analysis of desenv. from a compiler in Java. I have a JTex ... String text2 = txtEntrada.getText(); System.out.println("Texto analisado: " + text2); }

What is the difference between object code and intermediate code?

In this question a user answered that the object code is different from intermediate code. Since most courses say that object code is in the middle of the process, so couldn't we call it intermediate code? So what's the difference?

Using the getline () function in C with MinGW

I created a code for a library collection using Linux/GNU, and there it is working perfect. However, I need the code to compi ... alocar memoria.\n"); exit(1); } } fclose(arquivo); } I tried using a # define _GNU_SOURCE but it didn't work

Difference between Ahead-of-time and Just-In-Time Compilation

While reading about templates for ASP.NET I saw that one had support for AOT (Ahead of Time) and the other did not speak any ... because I didn't understand the process perfectly. How do the two mentioned above really work? Could you give me an example?