
Best PHP-FPM configuration for 4GB ram?

I need some help setting up my PHP-FPM I have EC2 on amazon C4.large 3.75 GB RAM 2 CORE On my server I just have PHP-fpm, ... the children can't stand and server starts to slow down and falls from timeout. Can anyone help me optimize these settings ?

How to create and read files".conf " in C, for linux environment?

I am studying C in linux environment. I'm having a problem with how to create a configuration file for my program to know wh ... n Does anyone know how to store and read variables in .conf files? is there a technique for this? What is the pattern?

Release tomcat management screen access permission

I have installed Netbeans 8.1, in this installation, I took advantage of installing Tomcat 8.0.27. But I am not able to acces ... s="admin,admin-gui,manager-gui"/> <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="manager"/> </tomcat-users>

Some keys are not working on my VS2015

The Keys F1 to F12 , are not working. I use a DELL notebook, with windows 10. I put the cursor on top of a class, gave F12 to go to the function and nothing. I gave a F5 and the project did not run. What could be happening?

How to change inline indentation by VSCode point

I would like to know if to use Dot instead of line indentation is required some extension? In the case I think it would be like seeing each space a point. Example:

Xms, Xmx, XX: MaxPermSize, XX: PermSize - what's the difference?

I need to improve the performance and availability of my Glassfish application server which from time to time causes the appl ... rence between these parameters, what the purpose of each, so that I can decide correctly which values to set in each of them.

How to configure compatibility mode.exe by prompt?

I am creating an application in electron, but notifications only work if the application is running in Windows 7 compatibilit ... t to run when running the application, so that the user does not have to perform this activity manually. Can anyone help me?

What is AppSettings for?

I was taking a look at the Web.confg and would like to know what the <appSettings> is for? What does it interfere with our application?

Windows Server Configuration (wamp) for different applications with subdomains [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... apt to what was provided: Windows Server, running wamp with different directories for each laravel application. Any light?