
Should an enumeration be constant in the lifetime of the solution?

Modern Languages often have an enumeration type that is usually a range of related constants. Its members are often constant. ... e a switch if all members of the enumeration used in it are evaluated in some way. This would help but not solve the problem.

When to use const and when to use # define

Since the two do the same function is there any difference between one and the other? I will take the code from this site as ... , NEWLINE); return 0; } When the code is compiled and executed it reproduces the following result: Value of area: 50

Set constant in Python

How can I declare a constant in Python the same way I do in C with #Define PI 3.1415 Or in java public final double PI = 3.1415

Is constant really useful?

why would I use a constant instead of a variable? besides readability, is there another gain in using a constant? I can't notice a difference that makes me use a constant instead of a variable.

How to take only one value from a random variable and turn it into a constant?

How do I take only one value from a variable that uses Random and store it in another variable? Is it possible? Wanted to st ... new Random().nextInt(personagem.length); System.out.println("Certo "+nome+", você é um(a):"+personagem[cartaUnoPersonagem]);

How to create constants in Java?

A constant in java cannot be changed, but can an initial value be assigned through another variable ? For example, if we ha ... ssign the value it returned to a constant? What are the ways to "unchanged" a value that has been calculated from another(s)?

Why, in PHP, are some predefined constants case-insensitive?

Why, in PHP, some predefined constants are case-insensitive (do not differentiate uppercase from Lowercase) and others are no ... med 'php_EOL' As it turns out, in the latter case it generates error, and in the first one it does not generate any error!

Because the practice of the "constant parameter" only exists in C

In C, there is the practice of applying the "const" modifier on function parameters when the function is not intended to chan ... e in other languages? Because it is not common to be see thing of the type: public String processString(final String str);