
Multiple use of count in Linq C#

The task was to make a selection of several Count-values from 2 database tables. I decided to do this using lambda expression ... ); It works, but obviously the implementation is bad. How do I make a normal count selection using only lambda expressions?

Aggregate function Count () in a query with multiple tables

There are two tables. The first table Reader contains information about the library's readers. Table fields: LibraryCardNum ... possible to somehow formalize a request so that both the quantity is calculated and the fields from another table are output?

How to display the number of products in the ocStore category

Let's say there is a page of the category " apple". This page displays products only from the correspondin ... ay the number of products in the viewed category to another place on the site. Who-thread will help? In which file to search?

Counting mutual friends using LEFT JOIN

I have the following tables: Users : id | usuario | pnome | snome | foto 1 | Igor | Igor | Souza | perfil.png 2 | A ... RIMARY KEY (`id`); ALTER TABLE `amizades` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,AUTO_INCREMENT=13; Example image:

Count amount of MySQL query records in PHP

I did the code below to count the amount of records, but it tells me 1 to 1, I would like to know how I can do to sum these r ... return->fetch_array()) { $id=$registro["id"]; $result=count($sql); echo $result; } ?>

MySQL count on substrings in the columns of a varchar field

I have the following example Table: ID_USER | FRUTAS ----------------------------- 1 | Laranja;Banana;Maçã 2 ... acaxi | 1 Banana | 2 Laranja | 3 Maçã | 1 Melão | 1 Pera | 1 Uva | 1

COUNT (*) x COUNT (1) x COUNT (id)

I would like to better understand the difference between these ways of using the counter: select COUNT(*) from tabela sele ... rence in performance? can there be a difference in the results? is it possible to map the best use for each of the shapes?

Count numbers drawn on a lottery table

I am new to comics studies and I have a table with the results of lotofácil where I would like to make a count that looks for ... if I put a general count it points to values considering the dates and goes wrong. Below is a part of the image of my bank.

Select mysql com COUNT and GROUP BY MONTH

Wave, I am trying to join the information of two tables to generate a graph, I need to count the total record Query1 and qu ... | 165 | 0 | | 11 | 164 | 0 | | 12 | 186 | 0 | +------+--------+--------+ Could anyone help me?

How to use two SQL joins in a row

How can I use two joins in a row, and the second will use the table data generated by the first? I want it to relate the Join ... odes.enderecoamigo.tabela2` ) AS D ON C.parte3 = D.Reg_geral AND C.parte4 = D.Cad_PF GROUP by amigo, casa_do_amigo