
Calculating the maximum possible number of processor commands

There is a risc architecture processor with 16 programmatically available registers. All commands, except those with direct a ... ble number of unicast commands The number of unicast and two-address commands, based on their approximate number equalities

What module can I use to find out the temperature/load of the CPU and video card in Python?

I found answers on the Internet, but the modules either had problems with Windows 10 (On which I work), or simply output the wrong information that I need. Suggest something suitable.

High CPU usage by the system in Linux. How do I find out why?

(source: joxi.ru)(source: joxi.ru) Sometimes we have a high CPU load of some system tasks. Not the processes from userland, b ... eft, and the load is still there. Here I want to find some means to quickly and accurately find out what loads the processor.

Parking of CPU cores

On the Internet, a fairly popular topic is how to DISABLE kernel parking (the solution is usually via the registry). And I ha ... : Here downloaded the program and I have a "game" with sliders, it seems to work, but how to do it yourself programmatically?

How are the processor's bit depth, the bit depth of its registers, the size of the addressable memory, and how does all this affect performance?

I study computer architecture from books Tannenbaum and Harris. I still don't understand many seemingly simple things. Ther ... it? The bit depth of the registers? And what is the difficulty of increasing the bit depth of registers? What determines it?

how to start developing a CPU emulator?

I have this task in front of me: Develop a processor emulator, create an assembly language for it, and write several program ... n write switch if add - > add, if mul - > multiply, etc. Please tell me, at least the direction of thoughts is correct?

Windows 7 on Kaby Lake

I have quite a powerful laptop with a 7th generation i5 pro, which does not support 7 Windows, but this is about updates. Eve ... ere be crashes or what's worse? 10 windows totally sucks with its too "smart" system and 3gb updates that can't be turned off

Which is better AMD Ryzen 5 1600 or Intel Core i5 7400

There was a question about changing the working computer, and since I do not really follow the development of iron, it is qui ... Studio, Oracle VirtualBox, Python, NodeJS, MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Win 10, (Different IDEs for microcontrollers)

What is "word" of a CPU

In my Operating Systems class the teacher cited a term that left me a little confused, which is word of a CPU (Central Proces ... ent sizes with respect to bits. Question I would like to know what is word and what relationship does it have with the CPU?

What differs an FPGA to a CPU?

Was seeing some publications about the Blake cryptographic algorithm, which was one of the finalists of the SHA-3 competition ... n something be faster on software, CPU, than on an FPGA? What would be the difficulties of an FPGA being as fast as the CPU?

What do the terms CPU-time Wall-clock-time mean?

Some documentation (programming) refers to these terms when there is some kind of limitation on CPU usage, for example: ... what exactly these terms mean it becomes difficult to adapt a software to even do not extrapolate the recommended CPU usage.

Why does Python not use 100% of the processor?

I am developing a Python application where in some snippets, it demands a lot of CPU for calculations. However, I notice th ... nd only 1 processor suffers more demand, yet it does not reach 100%: How to make Python use 100% CPU in critical processes?

In the CPU time equation (Tcpu) what are the number of instructions (IC) and cycles per instruction (CPI)?

From a slide About Computer Organization: Instruction Performance A given program will require: a number ... es it all affect performance in the execution of instructions? Taken from here , also here . And this one can also help.

How does performance from CPU cache work?

Recently I found that it is possible to get immense performance when using CPU cache. One example I saw was a program that reduced its runtime from 10 seconds to 200 milliseconds just using this concept. How does this performance achievement work?

How to see the percentage of cpu usage of each thread of a java process

Well, I have a cpu usage problem, and I don't know exactly which class or Thread it is consuming ( there is no way to know ex ... t have access to the terminal, I need to know the information through code, (or some other means of seeing this information)

Is there any relationship of thread, pipeline and cores?

Is there any relationship between these elements (thread, pipeline and CPU core)? I saw that the pipeline helps a lot whe ... ey have any relation, what would they be? Source - page 27-28 (increasing performance with Pipeline, pipeline limitations)