
What response should I make to an OPTIONS request in CRUD on Django?

I have code that handles requests on django. It must respond to user requests. It has registered responses to POST and GET re ... (email=email) user.delete() return JsonResponse("User account was deleted successfully", safe=False)

MySQL Update set

Hello everyone. Such a task: UPDATE `table` SET `colum` = (SELECT * FROM `table2 WHERE visible = 1 LIMIT 0,1) WHERE `id` = ... s not one. Is it possible to somehow turn the response into a string. To work without LIMIT (please don't ask why I need it)

CRUD with Javascript

Well, I need to do a CRUD and then a search on what is submitted in my form. I have already created the page and I can alrea ... cionar-contato" class="botao bto-principal">Adicionar</button> </form> </section> </main>

Help with Java exercise

I am having a little problem in a JAVA exercise, I can not arrange, although I am almost sure that it is very simple. It is a ... m not able to show the account number only the balance and I am not able to fetch the account by the number that is Option 2.

Bootstrap Modal data insertion with PHP OO

I am developing a client registration screen with PHP OO but due to my inexperience I have encountered difficulties in listin ... ome ways, but I didn't understand how to use it for that purpose. Could you help me and if possible exemplify how I do this?

Android Studio-Firebase-search and edit data

I am creating an app using Android Studio, which stores customer information in Firebase : I need to create a way to search ... necessary to change something, so I wanted to know if anyone can give any tips or know some interesting tutorial for this..

Problem doing CRUD with HTML and JS [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... -footer" style="max-height: 300px; overflow-y: scroll;"></div> </div> </div> </div>

Anyone help me with this program in Ansi C, crud program? [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... return _a else system("pause"); } function _Excluir() { }

What characterizes a "basic CRUD" project?

Turn and a half a question appears talking about application "CRUD basic". I understand that the application basically conta ... e implemented. Is there anything besides that that is important to know? Anything else that is implicit in said expression?

belongs to, has many

Hello guys all good? I'm starting on Rails and got a little problem to make a simple web application with: customer regis ... e db:create db:migrate to realize everything in the bank But then I don't know what to do if I use belongs_to, has_many...?

Get time from MySQL database

-Good Night, guys! I have an application that takes data from the database and presents it on the screen. It is a television ... Programacao where horario >= '$gh_data' order by horario"); //Mostrando na tela echo $gh_resultado[0]->horario; ?>

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException-CRUD Java MySQL

I'm trying to make a CRUD, when I come across this error and don't know how to solve. Error: Exception in thread "main" ... w; public class Run { public static void main(String[] args) { new ProdutoView().setVisible(true); } }

Upload photo with Model name in Django

Would like help for a task of saving images with a custom name and a folder also with the current name, suppose the following ... t to: Producto.Rice 101.jpg Inside a folder called "product a". Thus resulting in: Product To / Producta.Rice 101.jpg

Error inserting into Mysql database

I started studying a bit about web development, but I have a problem trying to insert into the table. It presents an error, ... $mysqli-> query("INSERT INTO cliente (nome,local) VALUES ('$nome' , '$local') ") or die ($mysqli->error); }

Is it possible to create a Java superclass for basic CRUD functions using spring framework?

When working recently on a project, I noticed that we have several classes with basic CRUD functions and that repeat themselv ... return clienteDAO.findAll(); } public Cliente buscarPorId(String id){ return clienteDAO.findById(id).orElse(null); } }

AWS-how to CRUD in S3

I recently started studying AWS, and I'm feeling totally lost about the meaning of some things, how they work, and what their ... .Open)) { request.InputStream = stream; // Put object PutObjectResponse response = client.PutObject(request); }

CRUD-help with code [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... return true; }else { return false; } } }