
Django doesn't work {% csrf token %}

Welcome. I've already broken my head. Does not want to work in any way {% csrf_token %}. Using Django v2. 0. 1, Added 'django ... e hidden field with the csrf key is not created in the form. Maybe someone knows what the problem may be and will tell you ?

TokenMismatchException error in Laravel

Added all ajax requests to exceptions, but still throws an error. How to find the problem area of the code from the log is no ... /var/www/site/public/index.php(54): Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->handle(Object(Illuminate\Http\Request)) #22 {main}

Django rest and angularjs CORS error

I'm using django rest and angularjs 1.x in a project, in the case of this project backend and frontend are isolated, I am usi ... id not have a favorable return. Has anyone experienced this kind of problem? if so how to solve this impasse? I'm grateful.