
Change image with hover CSS

I have two images in html and they are both in the same place on the page. What I want to do is touch the images with hover. ... ="<?php echo $restaurantes_hover; ?>" onclick="abrirlayer('layer_restaurantes')"> </div> </div>

CSS-Overlay Action

Friends I am don't understand much of CSS or HTML, but I can turn around with a few things. I am creating my website ( https: ... pears and it becomes darker. The idea is the same as this site here ( http://www.brunooppido.com/). Anyone know how I do it?

HTML-CSS hide and show submenu does not work

I'm trying to make a menu that opens when hovering the mouse opens the corresponding submenu. In this case, the menu "blouses ... /a></li> <li><a href="#">Acessórios</a></li> </ul> </nav> </section>

How to create a mouse-over effect on an image and position it where I want?

I want to replicate an effect of mouse over but what I have achieved so far is kind of bugged, the line with the effect is pa ... the page of oscar for reference, note that when hovering the mouse, appear 2 links in effect, that's what I'm trying to do.

Transform text to italico on hover!

Good, I have a paragraph and I want it to stay with font-style: italic; when I hover over it, what properties should I put in :hover?! I wish it was a transition of 0.3 seconds

Shadow in svg-CSS

I need to apply the "external glow" effect of photoshop on an SVG logo. the logo is being referenced by the image tag: < ... s/erp.svg"/> And I couldn't apply the text-shadow effect through the page CSS. How can I apply this effect to the logo?

Assigning a CSS style to a specific element within a div

Hello! I'm doing a project and I have a Div flexbox-container that has three daughter div, card-home-main. I would like to ... class="card-text-mobile">lore lore lore lore</p> </div> </div> </div> </div>

How do I create circular image with CSS mascara and hover effect?

Does anyone know any css template ready for me to use as a reference to recreate an effect on my site that I am switching fro ... -webkit-transform:translate3d(-50%,-50%,0) scale(1.4); transform:translate3d(-50%,-50%,0) scale(1.4); } /*Destaques*/

Hover in Selector: before

I came across a situation, I even know how to bypass, doing otherwise, but I would like to know, if it is possible to use: ho ... border-radius: 50%; } In the Hover of the call-box element, I would like to modify the selector: before, is it possible?

Give effect to the image and the hover back to make colored

I don't know if it's possible. I tried with mix-blend-mode, filter, but it doesn't work. It would be possible for an image to start with a layer of gray and on top, a green layer. When hovering, does the image become colored again?

Zoom effect with CSS

I have a div with an image on which I applied a zoom effect and a slight rotation! but this image should zoom and rotate with ... otate(-5deg); } <div class="imagem"> <img alt="folder" src="https://i.imgur.com/7s6gp01.jpg"/> </div>

Javascrit when moving the mouse over a cell, change the cell text

I'm a newbie, I'm learning a lot on the site. I would like that when you touch item 2, you change the word item 2 to Yerba m ... olumn-2"><span><a href="#">Item 4</a></span> </td> </tr> </table>

Hover div change color on other elements

Thing that seems simple, I need to change the text color of an h2 and a div, in the hover of another div. Https://codepen.io ... iv class="content">Pague sempre o mínimo</div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

How to change the image displayed on the Desktop and Mobile versions of a website

I needed the desktop version of a website to display an image and the mobile version to display another image. Being that on ... . The page is this: Https://www.boutiqueinfantil.com.br/black-friday I don't have much programming experience.

How to inspect an element that only appears when I Hover on another element?

I have an element that when making a hover in it will appear a pseudo-element elsewhere on the screen, but I would like to in ... und-color: red; position: absolute; } button:hover::after { content: "aqui!"; } <button>button</button>

How to use a class within another CSS class

I have a table, and I want the rows to intersperse colors the way below works perfectly <style type="text/css"> .t ... cor = "list_cor_sim"; }else{ cor = "list_cor_nao"; } row.classList.add(cor); } }