
Transform text to italico on hover!

Good, I have a paragraph and I want it to stay with font-style: italic; when I hover over it, what properties should I put in :hover?! I wish it was a transition of 0.3 seconds

Display message and hide in a few seconds [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... e="Pacifico" size="2">Cruz</font></b> </div> </body> </html> </center>

Side menu transition with easing

Hello! I want to put an "easing" effect to make more" smooth " the transition of the side menu that collects / expands on my ... sidebar-toggled"); $(".sidebar").toggleClass("toggled"); } CSS: body.sidebar-toggled footer.sticky-footer {width: 100%;}

How to remove and add a class in one event?

See function rodarslider(){ (...) caption.classList.remove('sliderfect'); caption.classList.add('sliderfect' ... in one event with each click. If it was not clear I made this mini version of my script http://jsfiddle.net/hnnv8u1c/6 /

Zoom effect with CSS

I have a div with an image on which I applied a zoom effect and a slight rotation! but this image should zoom and rotate with ... otate(-5deg); } <div class="imagem"> <img alt="folder" src="https://i.imgur.com/7s6gp01.jpg"/> </div>

Get changing font color with CSS only

I have this link that shows / hides the site menu, I want to draw users ' attention to it by changing the Font color, is it p ... <a id="toggleMenu" href="#" style="font-size: 2em"><i class="fas fa-bars"></i></a> </header>

Transition with different time when hovering and withdrawing

I have an image where I make a transition scale with hover, zooming in on the image when hovering: img{ width: 200 ... as long to return to its original size, i.e. 1 second. Is it possible to do this only with CSS? Or how else would you do it?

What's the difference in using transition: all and transition: [specific property]?

Doing a simple animation in CSS to increase the height of a div using transition: all and a question arose. See example: ... perty in transition (such as height, width, background-color etc.)? If this is indifferent, why not just use all in any case?

How to change the image displayed on the Desktop and Mobile versions of a website

I needed the desktop version of a website to display an image and the mobile version to display another image. Being that on ... . The page is this: Https://www.boutiqueinfantil.com.br/black-friday I don't have much programming experience.

How to create the mechanics and appearance of the zoom effect used in the reveal framework.js?

Example: Reveal Zoomobjective: to study the mechanics and appearance of Zoom with the best algorithmic solutions. - from ... ibility: hidden; } } .zoom { -webkit-animation-name: zoom; animation-name: zoom; } <div>Test</div>