
Selecting multiple table rows

Please tell me how you can implement the selection of rows in the table, as here example in example #1 "Simple data range pi ... >5)</th> <td>Значение №9</td> <td>Значение №10</td> </tr> </table>

Datatable JQuery Print Specific Elements

How to print specific elements from outside the datatable? Here is an example JSFIDDLE I wanted that when I pressed the P ... id="PRINT_HERE_TOO" class="test"> <h1> Print Here Too! </h1> </div> Am I clear? Thank you!

Send selected record from a P: dataTable to form, JSF primefaces

Hello, I'm new here, and I'm migrating from Struts 1 to JSF. I am developing in JSF a user registration screen. I would like ... astro}" /> </p:column> </p:dataTable> </h:form> </h:body> Thank you, folks

Sort DateTime field of a DataTable

Hello. I have the following DataTable: success: function (data) { $('#table-controle').html(data); ... of type DateTime, the data is ordered as a String and not as DateTime. Below are the example images: How can I solve ?

How to order a P: dataTable

How do I sort a datatable by a text. For example my system is a service order system, I need "open" orders to come first. Fol ... o.usuario as u where" + " = "+UserStatic.getUsuario().getId() +"order by o.situacao DESC";

Display data from an Api in a V-data-table, an object within a Vue js object, vuetify

I have the following Json coming from an api, which I want to present in a V-DATA-TABLE: [ { "id": 1, " ... es = console.log(response) }).catch(e => { console.log(e) }); },

Return search by string in Table

Data and database queries have a very special place in the universe of computers. The popularization of the internet was than ... the ultilization of some external features. Tips on libraries or platforms that interact with wordpress will be very welcome.

Custom filtering - search by range-DataTables

I'm using one of the functions of DataTables which is search by range, but this type of search only accepts integer numbers. ... || (min <= age && age <= max)) { return true; } return false; } );