
How to convert dates in varchar to date in SQL 'Firebird'?

Is there any way to convert dates in varchar to date ? I am having difficulty performing searches between dates, due to thi ... m TAB_FATURAMENTO where cd_cliente like '%' and CAST(TAB_FATURAMENTO.dt_item as DATE) between '15/05/2017' and '31/05/2017';

How to migrate from Date and Calendar to the new dates API in Java 8?

Until Java 7, we had the classes Date and Calendar to represent dates. To convert them to Strings, the easiest way was with t ... I integrate it with the Date and Calendar that are used in existing and legacy code? What's his relationship with Joda-Time?

Convert seconds to timestamp?

I am creating a PHP script to generate a json from a subtitle file webvtt, I take the start and end that are in the format mi ... le above it would be easy to distinguish that currentTime would be 5.570 and 9.700 How do I make PHP convert to this format?

Compare current date with javascript

I am comparing today's date with today's date like this: if (new Date() > new Date('07/04/2017')) { alert('Hoje é maior que hoje?') } How is it possible today to be greater than today?

Subtract days from an input date with javascript

I need to take a data from a type Number field and add to a date from a input date. I already managed, but I need to now take ... ullYear(); var dataformatada = y + '-' + mm + '-' + dd; document.getElementById('datafin').value = dataformatada; }

Calculate percentage between 2 numbers

I have to make a percentage system where I have 2 dates in TIMEUNIX, being the end date ($cota->ultimo_recebimento) and th ... % I have 3 variables $atual = time(); $primeiro = $cota->primeiro_recebimento; $ultimo = $cota->ultimo_recebimento;

PHP and mysql hour count

Good Night, I'm new here. A doubt I think is basic. I will create an" application " with PHP and mysql where I control th ... at type of data I use in mysql the type DATE or string and in php do the casting ? Since now I thank you for your attention

How to convert a date to American format in Angular?

I'm using a Json response in Laravel 5, where I use Angular to be able to display this data. The date in Laravel is returned ... } </div> In cases of dates in the format above, how should I do to be able to convert to the format dd/MM/yyyy?

Fetch data between a period in a table with start date and end date fields

I'm having a problem fetching data in a table with start date and end date fields between a period (a filter from-to) The sa ... 017-01-10', '2017-02-01'), (3, '2017-05-01', '2017-06-01'), (4, '2017-05-15', '2017-06-15'), (5, '2017-01-09', '2017-10-31')

Translate long date format from English to Portuguese

I am converting a String to date SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", ... Jul 13 16:52:48 GMT 2016 Can you translate this date into Portuguese? I didn't find a way, has anyone ever been through this?

Unparseable date: "2017-10-30T02:00: 00.000 Z"

I am setting up a record where I pass a date and, when saving, it is showing this error java.text.ParseException: Unparseab ... Z", "tipoPessoa": "F", "entidade": { "idEntidade": "1" }, "nomeMae": "a" } }

Date function in Portuguese

I have this code <table class="table table-hover table-bordered table-condensed lista-clientes table table-striped tabl ... the date, times etc... In Portuguese, however, I am not getting it... So this is getting in English. Could anyone help me ?

Delete files created more than 10 days ago, retaining the latest, if everyone in the list has more than 10 days of creation

I asked this question where the question was how to delete files with more than 10 days of creation. I retrieve them from a ... rintStackTrace(); } } Obs.: Unfortunately I can't use java 8 features, because the application was made on top of JDK7.

How to return the first and last day of the current month in JavaScript?

I am having doubts on how to return the first and last day of the current month in JS.

Calculate date difference and print these days

I would like to calculate the difference of two dates and print all dates between them, for example: $data_inicio = new Dat ... he days that are in that range. Example: 09-02-2018, 10-02-2018 ..... 09-03-2018 and etc. How do I retrieve these values?

Make the java object.sql.Date have the format dd / MM / yyyy [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... ); System.out.println("DATAINICIAL:" + dataInicial); System.out.println("DATAFINAL:" + dataFinal); } }

How to run an INSERT procedure with the GETDATE field? SQL Server

Next, I created a procedure that has two parameters Dt_inclusion and Dt_Alteracao, I would like to know how do I insert (or i ... or this procedure to work, so that with just GETDATE I get the current date and time when using insert? Thank you right now!

Validating invoice closure to buy and sell Type JavaScript and submit to an api

I'm a beginner and stuck on invoice closing validation. I built a list in this format: [ date: '2017-5-9', value: '59.9 ... if it was debit he already added the value for the day, if it was Note: I'm using nodejs. And how do I submit to an api ?

Add 365 days to a date in an input type = " date"

I'm having a problem I have an input that I type a date input date format, I wanted to add what was typed + 365 but I can not ... er="01/01/1990" required> <input type="submit" value="Ferias" name="ferias" id="feria" onClick="somaFerias()">

How to query birthday of the day and month in SQL in Oracle?

I saw some examples here, and tried to reproduce them, however, in Oracle does not accept operators like MONTH, so I was unsuccessful. SELECT nome from aluno where month(datanascimento) = month(now());