
Add days to a date

I need to add another 2 days on a date coming from a variable. I'm doing this way but it's not working. $data = '17/11/2014'; echo date($data, strtotime("+2 days"));

How to add days to a date with Moment.js?

I'm trying to calculate the term of my site in days, i.e. I put "14 days" and it turns into 00/00/0000. I'm doing this way, b ... s( moment() .startOf('day') .diff(moment(date).startOf('day'), 'days'), ); } How to get to that?

How to get the last days of the month in PHP

I want to get the last days of the current month. This is the code for today's date: $datee= date("d/m/Y");

The function to catch the day of the week of PHP has limit?

I am making a calendar using PHP and JS and it worked perfectly between the Year 1902 until 2037, since from 2038 the functio ... nth and the right side the function return below. function getDayWeek($date){ return date("w", strtotime($date)); }

How to compare dates in PHP?

I would like to know which function I use to compare two dates and return the largest. I have a form for HR registration in ... a suggestion how to solve this I found some solutions but the date format was in default American what does not suit me. Att.

Difference between date and datetime

I was researching about the data type of the SQL SERVER and came across this Table What would be the real difference between date and datetime data? Only in the notation of hour, minute, second ? What Would this precision column be?

Convert mm: ss to milliseconds

I would like to convert the mm:ss value to milliseconds, could you guide me how to do this? var time = '03:51'; var mili = ?

Input Date type with year containing 6 digits

Notice the snippet just below, that the input of the type date when entering the value year , you can enter 4, 5 or 6 digit ... butes min e max, automatically the year can only receive 4 digits, so why the default value of the year can receive up to 6?

How to turn an English Standard date into a Brazilian Standard date in R?

Suppose I have a date in the standard English format year-Month-Day (ymd): data = Sys.Date() print(data) [1] "2019-12-03" ... Month / Year: print(data_BR) [1] "03/12/2019" How can I turn my default English date into a default Brazilian date in R?

Select mysql com COUNT and GROUP BY MONTH

Wave, I am trying to join the information of two tables to generate a graph, I need to count the total record Query1 and qu ... | 165 | 0 | | 11 | 164 | 0 | | 12 | 186 | 0 | +------+--------+--------+ Could anyone help me?

PHP returning wrong current time

I'm having a problem using the function date using the parameters to return the current time. When I use the function: $ho ... e any PHP or Xampp configuration that might be changing the schedule? The date is returning correctly, but the time is not.

Change only hours, minutes, seconds of a date object

I need to change only the hours of an object of Type Date, preserving the day, the month and the year. I tried with the setM ... (), but "is deprecated" appears. 31/03/2019 13:23:14.958 31/03/2019 13:23:14.958 31/03/2019 23:59:59.999

Date in JavaScript with October 31st

I am trying to get the due date by adding the date, but I realized that the function does not return me on October 31 of the ... 019','10','01'); data.setDate( + 31 ) ; console.log( data.getDate() + ' / ' + data.getMonth() + ' / ' +data.getFullYear());

How to solve 3-hour increment problem on date attribute on Angular?

I have the following excerpt: let data = new Date(); console.log(data); // saída: Fri Oct 18 2019 08:23:27 GMT-0300 (Horári ... registerLocaleData(localePT); I've already set up LOCALDE_ID and it didn't solve my problem either. Any idea how to solve?

Check if date is even or odd

I am in need of some help with dates in SQL Server. I have a date field and I would like to know if this date is odd or even ... ng into account whether data_saida is odd or even. Now this last-minute demand arose and I do not know where to fit properly.

How to generate a value containing the" last Friday of the month " using Java LocalDate?

I am receiving data from a CSV file with some data, and one of these data contains random dates in the following format: mm/Y ... seria alterado para a ultima sexta-feira do mês. } For example: 01/2019. The last Friday of this month was Day 25/01/2019.

Open calendar daterangepicker by icon

I would like to open this calendar below by clicking on the icon, but the value should go to my input. var date = new D ... _date" data-inputmask="'alias':'mm/dd/yyyy'" data-mask="" value=""> </div> Https://]

How many days of the week do you have in the month? [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... = 4 I would like a script where it would tell me the number of days that exists in the current month. Thank you right now...

Date coming with date tomorrow instead of today

My date is coming with the wrong date, ta coming tomorrow's date plus I want today's date. For my application the date and ti ... t runs on NodeJS in the Server): var agora = new Date().toISOString().replace(/\..+/, '') Since now I appreciate the help

date.getHours with 0 most stylish

I need to mount a JSON with a property in hours and minutes. I use a Timepicker on the front and it returns a date: Fri Feb ... 05:52 This even works, but it seems kind of precarious to me and I would like a more elegant solution. Anyone have an idea?