
kartik datepicker

Yii2 Bootstrap 4 use kartik\field\FieldRange; use kartik\form\ActiveForm; use kartik\datecontrol\DateControl; ... ct a date, for some reason, the table with the choice simply does not appear (only the edges, as seen in the 2nd screenshot)

DatePicker Xaml UWP reduce calendar size

Who knows how to change the calendar size, margins between day month and year <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" ... <effects:PointerEffect /> </DatePicker.Effects> </DatePicker> </StackLayout>

Datepicker using jQuery

Hello I'm trying to install a datepicker on my site with the input field, when you click on it, the calendar should pop up, b ... source code And to the site with the lesson

Bootstrap 3 Datepicker

The bottom line: The Russian locale doesn't work. developer page Code <div class="container"> <div class="row ... timepicker(); }); </script> The calendar works, but there is no Russian localization. Tell me where the jamb is?

Datepicker doesn't work in bootstrap 3

The calendar is not displayed when you click on the icon. That is, there is no datepicker functionality except for styling th ... at bootstrap.js:8 (anonymous) @ bootstrap.js:8 index.html:90 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined at index.html:90

Localization of the datepicker

There is a code from I added the settings for the Russian language to it$. datepi ... date = null; } return date; } } ); </script> <?php }

How do I set up a datepicker with third-party dependencies using Require JS?

The original. In my application, I'm trying to use the Date Range Picker: I managed to make it work by installing all the sc ... /jquery.comiseo.daterangepicker.js Here is a fully working example on JSFiddle: How do I configure this using Require JS?

Incorrect datepicker display

The situation is as follows. There is a datepicker that has 2 dropdown options: above the form and below it. The task is ... block is initially positioned absolutely and hidden. When it appears, the coordinates are counted through the datepicker.

Datepicker Bootstrap not working

I have a Bootstrap Datepicker, but when I click the button next to the text box, that calendar doesn't appear. I thought it ... c="js/jquery.js"></script> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> </body> </html>

Datepicker bootstrap calendar with error in Leap Year

I'm using bootstrap's datepicker, and I found that the 2016 calendar is wrong. Today for example is 01/07/2016 Friday and the ... today: "Hoje", monthsTitle: "Meses", clear: "Limpar", format: "dd/mm/yyyy" }; }(jQuery));

Call function after choose Date

Good Morning, I have an input text with a datepicker. The input has a validator function that changes the color of the inp ... tly in the input and just click on the datepicker, the validator function is not called. Does anyone know how I can do this?

DateTime Picker in English

I added the component of DateTimePicker to my project. But the same is all in English, I added the option of pt-BR in the f ... { try { $(this).valid(); } catch (e) { } } }); }

Apply jQuery Datepicker to dynamically added fields

I made a form with a "date" field and used jQuery Datepicker to insert the date. I also made a function to add more fields eq ... ; x++; } }); Does anyone have any idea why Datepicker doesn't work on the added fields?