
Remote debugging in isolated environments

I work in a company doing bug fixes. Some customers deploy the system on computers on their internal network, so remote debug ... to know if there is any tool that would allow remote debugging. If I created a VPN with OpenVpn, would it solve my problem?

Problem connecting my device to Android Studio over Wi-Fi

I am developing an application that needs that the USB port of the device is not connected, so to not interfere with the test ... dated Android Studio, the Wi-Fi settings on the Mobile are already with developer permissions and even then it does not work.

Debug Eclipse-Classes with same names in different projects

I was debugging here and came across a curious situation. I've done it, but I haven't been able to figure out the problem. I ... fferent. Has anyone else been through this situation and can you tell me why? Edit: I'm using Eclipse Neon, forgot to warn.

What is the difference between testing and debugging?

In the book "Introduction to Software Testing" by Ammann & Offutt mentions on P. 32 the 5 levels software test maturity m ... What is the difference between testing and debugging? PS: question translated from a question in the programmers Community

How to configure Visual Studio Code to open the console in a new window?

In previous versions the Console of Visual Studio Code was open in a window outside the Visual Studio Code, but in the new ... there is a setting to make Visual Studio Code open the console again in an external window and how to configure it for that.

What does Traceback mean?

When creating some basic programs in Python, I occasionally come across errors that bring up the word traceback, so I was curious to find out what traceback means.

What is the difference between Debug and Release mode?

I started getting the error: "Microsoft C++ Runtime Error library". And I got a lot of problems while trying to fix this erro ... m, my doubt is, what is the difference of the two modes? Using the release is more advantageous than the debug by MingW?

How to filter logcat by command line?

I was reading the Android documentation and saw that it is possible to monitor logcat by command line, without necessarily b ... to effect one of these filters or both per command line? I am not knowing how to apply the privacy tags on the command line.

Why use error reporting with display errors and display startup errors?

I've been using only: error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT); To debug the scripts (note that I use E_STRICT only to maintain co ... effect. My doubts are: Is it necessary to use ini_set('display_errors', 0);? Is error_reporting(0); not enough anymore?

What is the difference between" step over "and" step into " in debugger mode?

I would like to know what is the difference between F10 (step over) and F11 (step into). When should I use F10 and when should I use F11 ?

What is debug? What is it for and how to do it?

As I am planning to ever see you in the IDE'a part of the call of the debug - , 't know how it works, and what it is exactly, ... to know from people who have more experience, which is such that debug - , what it is, and I don't know how to use it right.

Debug javascript Visual Studio 2013

Need help please. Next I had a machine with Win 7 32bits and could debug the normal javascript in Visual Studio 2013, put th ... Another thing is that I have already unchecked the disable debugger option in IE 11. If anyone has an idea, I appreciate it.

Delphi-Access Violation in the login form

Guys I'm having a problem, I'm a beginner in Delphi and I'm developing a registration and query system, it is almost finish ... end; end; end; procedure Tfrm_Login.edt_SenhaChange(Sender: TObject); begin edt_Senha.PasswordChar := '*'; end; end.

A Serial.Arduino read () does not work as expected

In the void loop, I need it to read the difficulty, instead it gets returning the string on the monitor. I'm running in thi ... osLeds[1], LOW); digitalWrite(pinosLeds[2], LOW); digitalWrite(pinosLeds[3], LOW); delay(500); noTone(pinoAudio); }

What is the use of knowing how to debug a code in R?

According to Theory, debugging can be defined as the art and science of fixing unexpected problems in your code. What is the use (for a data analyst) of knowing to debug a code? what functions exist in R to do this?

How to debug a website on mobile devices?

I am developing a website that, although it looks good on the desktop, is getting unformatted when accessed via mobile device ... droid on a virtual machine, which does not help much, because it still lacks means to do debugging. How is this usually done?

How to debug code in PHP?

For example, in javascript we have console.log to debug, find out where the errors are, etc. And in PHP, what would be the best ways?