
Integer division ( / / ) in Python 3

Please explain how integer division works in Python 3. I don't understand one particular example: print(4//3) print(-4//3) A ... get that the result is exactly (±) 1? Because the answers without rounding will be: 1,3333333... -1,333333 ... respectively.

Incorrect division in php

There are such expressions: floor (5/2) floor (1.4 / 0.04) In the first case, it outputs 2. In the second 34. But if you c ... 999999403954 and therefore rounds down by 34. Why is this number obtained? The float data types are taken from the database.

Division with rounding up

Math.Round rounds by the rule, how do I make it round to the greater side, or what other function should I use?

Column division in Java

You need to write a class that would divide one number by another, displaying the division in a column. The division is integ ... recommendations. While I write myself, but it turns out, to put it mildly, not very much. Who would be faced with like this?