
Error compiling Android Delphi - 10 on Windows 10

I'm having a problem compiling for android on delphi-10, follows error [Exec Error] the command " PATH C:\Program Files ... jar" "c:\program files(x86)\embarcadero \ studio.0 \ lib \ Android\Debug \ android-support-v4.dex.jar "" exited with code 3.

Error opening application in Delphi on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64

Application Error Exception Eibnativeexception in module Autosad.exe at 003AF7F1. [FireDAC] [Phys] [FB] Unable to complete ne ... ying to open the system system created in Delphi 10.1 I saw a solution in "Data Execution Prevention" and it didn't work...

Problems with typing Firemonkey Android virtual keyboard

I have an application running on Android devices (5, 6 and 7) and it presents a problem in typing the words-different from au ... phi XE8. I even tried some suggestions to change the keyboard (KeyboardType = Alphabet), but to no avail. Any tips? Grateful!

Locate for two fields

How to do a search with Locate with two or more fields simultaneously? What are the disadvantages of doing this?

Delphi Rio 10.3-Google Play API Level 28

I'm trying to publish an APP to Google Play and Google Play is returning the following message below: " at the moment the ... the APP on Google Play comes this message. My SDK configuration is as follows: Does anyone have any idea how to solve?

How to read a file.Json Delphi hair

I'm having trouble reading a file .Json by Delphi. my intention is to read and paste your content into the database. I have ... na sua variável; JSonObjectAsString := StringList.Text; finally FreeAndNil(StringList); end; end; end;

Format the date by capitalizing the first letter of the month

I know it has several other date formatting topics plus I didn't find one with my doubt... According to the documentation of ... ee does not have an option to exit the month with the first letter in capital would you have another alternative to do that?

External exception C0000006 [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... by a shared folder on the network. I don't know how to fix it. Give to solve the error via programming and how would it be?

Curve on graph line (techartlite - firemonkey delphi)

I'm in need of help with a chart on Firemonkey (Delphi 10 Seattle). I need the line to be curved when interconnecting the points, I have already searched the net and did not find, I am using Tchart to generate the graph.

How to save a capture the screen of the mobile in a bitmap?

I would like to capture the entire screen of the mobile, but what I have managed so far only captures the control passed in t ... esult.Canvas, RectF(0,0,Result.Width,Result.Height)); finally Result.Canvas.EndScene; end; end; Any tip is welcome.