
Where does the "garbage" in the vector come from?

Good time of day. I need to convert a two-dimensional array to a one-dimensional one. I did this in a simple, elementary loop ... vec[counter] := a[i, j]; ListBox1.Items.Add(inttostr(vec[counter])); counter := counter + 1; end; end;

Windows Service and auto-update process being accused of virus by Avast

My application Windows service made in Delphi 6 is being accused as a virus by Avast in the auto-update process. Just when t ... ble is no longer charged: // FIdFTP.Get('MyService.exe', FileDownload); Does anyone have any idea what might be going on?

AVG charges infection in Windows service application if add command to Windows Firewall is present

I Have an application in which it is a Windows Service (a Service in Windows) and the room I am trying to add a method to add ... t comment the lines with WinExec and compile again that he no longer complains of infection. How can I solve such a problem?