
How do I check the case of words with non-Russian (non-Latin) characters?

There is a large amount of text in a Word document containing characters that are not present in the Russian language. What f ... nd couldn't finish it. I mean, I couldn't implement the most necessary function. Drawing with the above symbols I attach it.

Upload a png image to Image from the SQL database (Delphi)

Such a problem.I've searched the entire Internet and can't find anything. How to upload an image from an SQL Database to Image. Here is the picture selection: P.S. Image post type MediumBlob

Error: [Error] Unit1. pas(32): Undeclared identifier: 'GetInetFile'

Good day to all! I ran into this problem on Delphi 7. Here is a piece of code: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ... s follows: [Error] Unit1.pas(32): Undeclared identifier: 'GetInetFile' What is the problem? In Uses, the module is enabled.

Catch the Asynchronous socket error 10061 Delphi error

How, when connecting the client, if the server is not running, to catch a system error and issue a message about server unava ... Object; Socket:TCustomWinSocket; ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent;var ErrorCode: Integer); begin Label1.Caption:='Ошибка';end; end.

Hieroglyphs instead of Russian letters in ActionMenu Delphi 7 [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... in the registry from 1250 to 1251 and from 1251 to 1252 in different combinations, it also did not help. What else can I do?

Error when connecting and compiling the dglopengl library - " Could not create output file. dcu"

I wanted to start learning opengl for the project together with delphi, connected the dglopengl library and started compiling ... t rid of this problem? The compiler reads all the files, moves them to a separate project page, but does not want to compile.

Invalid Pointer Operation - Delphi

I added a TClientDataSet(cdsTemp) on my form screen, well, and I implement the fields of that TClientDataSet(cdsTemp) via cod ... there, I would like to know if I am forgetting something, if I am doing something wrong, if someone has been through it, etc.

Delphi arendondamento values

I am having the following problem: | Result | 10 / 0,9280 = | 10,77 | 10 / 0,8740 = | 11,44 | 2 ... | 10 | 11,44 * 0,8740 = | 9,99856 | 10 | 230,98 * 0,9280 = | 214,34944 | 214,35 | How can I do this rounding?

How to register a DLL in the system?

I have a DLL that I cannot register in the system. If I take the original DLL, it is registered, but if I take the one that ... this other message: I know that there is a way to do the registration by Delphi, when working with DLL. How do I do this?

Locate for two fields

How to do a search with Locate with two or more fields simultaneously? What are the disadvantages of doing this?

Get the current date and time over the internet, in desktop application

I am implementing a system lock by date, and I need to get the current date of Brasilia for example, which would be the offic ... g to you. Note: This is an application Desktop and I can't trust the date of the running machine or the database server.

Error "could not load ssl library" using delphi 7 and indy 10.0.52

I'm using Delphi 7 and indy 10.0.52, trying to send a json with Method post to a api but I always get this error message: ... rsions but without success with any, someone would tell me what would be the version of dll correct for this version of indy.

Send email through outlook

I'm trying to send email using outlook, through Delphi7, I used this documentation: Command-line switches to open outlook wi ... rns the message: Unable to start Microsoft Outlook. The command line argument is invalid. Check the options used.

Delphi simulate subtraction of angles expressed in degrees°, minutes ' and seconds "

Delphi, Lazarus I need help from friends, a code .pas to simulate the subtraction of angles expressed in degrees °, minutes ... ample Subtraction 179° 59' 60" TEdit1 70° 5' 15" TEdit2 109° 54' 45" resposta no Label1

Save email outbox

I would like to know if it is possible to save an email in the default email manager (Outlook, live mail, among others) outpu ... ivo := 'c:\emails\email.eml'; IdMessage.SaveToFile(Arquivo); ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(Arquivo), '','', SW_SHOWNORMAL);

For proceed if true

Well, I'm trying to run multiple downloads, one after the other, and I'd like it to only start the next one after the other f ... ownloadfile returns true when the file finishes downloading. How do I make it only go to the next one after one is completed?

Find out if item is in array

How do I check if an item is in a array? Ex: var Tabela : Array of String; begin Tabela[0] := 'Valor'; Tabela[1] := 'Valu ... This would be the normal mode, but in a large array, it would take a long time to check all the numbers. How do I do that?

Display form with animation (gif) while a while is running

In the application I am developing I need to check if a process is running on the system, for this I use a function (isrunnin ... .MessageBox('Operação concluída com sucesso!', 'Ferramentas', MB_ICONEXCLAMATION + MB_OK); FrmPrincipal.Visible := True;

Delphi 7 Ado Dataset not in edit or insert mode

I'm doing a little program in Delphi 7 with Access (I know it's old stuff). But it is giving the error when I try to record ... a.text; tblPerguntas.Post; Where am I going wrong? Remembering that the table tblPerguntas with field ID is auto numbering.

OLE Windows xp Error

I have an application developed in Delphi, when running only on computers with Windows XP I am having the following error: ... ework to version 4.0.3. The strange thing is that as already mentioned this problem occurs only on computers with Windows XP.