
OpenDialog working in a loop

How to process multiple files by opening them via OpenDialog. Added to the code: OpenDialog1.Options := OpenDialog1.Options ... OpenDialog1.Files.Strings[i]; Где CurrentFile: array of string; ///////////////// I do not understand how to correctly ?.

Win Socket API Delphi 6 sending messages over UDP between the client and the server. Why is the client port different in the server and client program?

To make the situation more clear, I post the following screenshot: Understanding UDP and programming the protocol using the ... server from the screenshot, as well as a description of the programs are available at the link:

How does try... except work?

How does this block work in general? I found a simple code for its use, tied it to the button, but it gives me an error, some ... ShowMessage('number / zero = '+IntToStr(number)); except ShowMessage('Неизвестная ошибка'); end; end;

Window collapse animation in Windows 7 and Delphi 7

As you know, in Windows 7, when the effects are enabled, the window does not collapse instantly, but with an animation lastin ... window instantly or add a check that it is 100% invisible? It is desirable that it also works in other versions of Windows.

Deleting a locked folder or file

I'm trying to delete a folder and when I delete it, a window pops up and the text in it is: Операция не может быть завершена ... apshotHandle, FProcessEntry32); end; CloseHandle(FSnapshotHandle); end; Can someone tell me a simple version in Delphi ?

When requested, Delphi does not see the character &

When querying idhttp1.get(''); Delphi does not see the character &, ... er p. And in another new program, it sees this symbol &. Example in the screenshot: I have RAD Delphi xe6 installed.

Converting Windows-1251 encoding to Koi8-R

Please suggest or direct: how to translate Windows-1251 encoding strings to Koi8-R

Finding a pattern in a sequence of numbers

There are many numbers, all of them distributed from 0 to 12. How to write a program in delphi-7 to identify a formula, algor ... from the keyboard until the pattern of the sequence of numbers is determined. And the following number is output to the text.

Delphi 6/7-what book to read about threads and their allowed number

You need to quickly raise your knowledge of a fairly new Delphi 6 or 7 environment, in general, I worked with it, but you nee ... ), there is already image recognition on the screen and with the voice of the chips, all this must be broken down in streams.

How do I remove the click transition sounds in TWebBrowser?

Please tell me how to remove the sounds of clicks from page to page in TWebBrowser?

Line break in the parser

Can I specify a line break when parsing? I tried to write in one line, also tried #10+#13, but without success. If you can pe ... he transfer: <div class="wrap_fix"> <a href="" data-hint-source="1">

How do I remove the white background when drawing text on Canvas via TextOut?

Good time of day! I make a small, purposeful, image editor. This is what the image looks like in the editor: On top of the T ... FreeAndNil(Img); end; end; How do I get rid of the white background under the text when using TextOut? Thanks.

Delphi 7 cycles with a set number of repetitions

How do I write such a program? As far as I understood-it will turn out 2 Begin, and 3 variables that need to be set to the us ... x:=x + h; Writeln ('X=',x, 'Y=',y); Readln; end; end. It turned out like this, but I'm not sure what is correct

Why is a program compiled in Delphi XE almost 2 times larger than in Delphi 7?

There is a very small program. When I compile it in Delphi 7, the size is 590 kb. It is worth compiling this same program in ... diately becomes 2 times larger in size - 1,200 kb. What does Delphi XE add to the executable file that it increases in size?

Bibliographic card using classes

Hello! Please help me write a bibliographic card program using classes on delphi. I wrote it on С++, but delphi has already f ... ook (author, title, year of publication, publisher, and number of pages) to the file and search by book title or author name.

I try to decrypt in Delphi 7 (AES (DCPrijndael) key SHA256 (=CBC) DCPcrypt component

I try to decrypt the phrase in Delphi 7, (the keys and the source text are correct, they are decrypted in PHP). For some reas ... 30a4e4 (where the original phrase is: Некоторый 1234567одный текст and then follows its md5 that not the point is important).

How to do sorting in StringGrid?

I have a StringGrid table like this: How do I make sure that when you click the "sort by group" and "sort by last name" buttons, for example, the data is sorted from A to Z by the corresponding columns?

Decompile-resistant DLL (Delphi)

Tell me, are there any mechanisms today for writing a DLL in Delphi that could not be decompiled - if so, please give me information or some correct links to information on which version of Delphi and how it can be done?

Error "Invalid floating point operation"

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var y, yInDegree, EPS, diff, x, yMinus1 : Extended; i, n : Cardinal; begi ... with message 'Invalid floating point operation' The error crashes on the line y := ((1/n) * ((n-1) * y + (x/yInDegree)));.

how to print the sum of two labels in delphi in label

The point is that label1 displays the sum of the other two labels. The problem is in the total amount of label1 var begin ... Query.fieldvalues['taksa']); lbl1.Caption:=floattostr(strtofloat(lbl2.Caption)+floattostr(strtofloat(lbl3.Caption))); end;