
OpenDialog working in a loop

How to process multiple files by opening them via OpenDialog. Added to the code: OpenDialog1.Options := OpenDialog1.Options ... OpenDialog1.Files.Strings[i]; Где CurrentFile: array of string; ///////////////// I do not understand how to correctly ?.

Text generation

This code generates text based on this principle: There is a template for example: - {best|cool / amazin ... Lines.Strings[0]))); for i:=0 to ss.count-2 do memo1.Lines.Add(s+' '+ss.Strings[i]+' '+ss.Strings[ss.count-1]); end; end.

Delphi XE2: "Extra" lines in the executable file

Compiled the program in Release mode. All debugging information is disabled during compilation. Launched the program, opened ... names, procedure names, and functions. Please tell me how you can remove all unnecessary data from the release exe file???

Antivirus blocking access to camera

I am having trouble accessing the WebCam through Delphi, so I searched the internet for some components and found the followi ... is by disabling the antivirus service I have (Avast). Does anyone have any idea how to make the antivirus not block access?