
Recover auto increment Id DataSnap Delphi XE3

I use Delphi XE3 / DataSnap with Firedac When I write the parent table to the server I want to retrieve the value that was ... cord(Sender: TObject; SourceDS: TDataSet; DeltaDS: TCustomClientDataSet; UpdateKind: TUpdateKind; var Applied: Boolean);

How to create a solid mask from a semi-transparent Bitmap?

I want to create the image on the right, from the one on the left. And I have the following structur ... ld use? Mess with pixels directly? Or who knows there is another means through the canvas? Whoever has any idea, send it in.

Operation not applicable Delphi Clientdataset [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... source_paidatasetFilho When I make the links everything correct, but when I try to open or add the fields the error occurs.

Access denied when deleting Registry (even in regedit)

I am trying to delete a Windows Registry using Delphi but without success (even with Regedit itself I can not). Code I'm usi ... Regedit: But when I delete by software (PC Hunter) the same and deleted successfully. How can I do to delete this record?