
OpenDialog working in a loop

How to process multiple files by opening them via OpenDialog. Added to the code: OpenDialog1.Options := OpenDialog1.Options ... OpenDialog1.Files.Strings[i]; Где CurrentFile: array of string; ///////////////// I do not understand how to correctly ?.

Text generation

This code generates text based on this principle: There is a template for example: - {best|cool / amazin ... Lines.Strings[0]))); for i:=0 to ss.count-2 do memo1.Lines.Add(s+' '+ss.Strings[i]+' '+ss.Strings[ss.count-1]); end; end.

How to search a VirtualStringTree in Delphi without using Edit?

I have a VirtualStringTree with some items and want to implement in it a feature similar to what a ComboBox has. Works like ... Assigned (foundNode) then begin vtvGrid.FocusedNode := foundNode; vtvGrid.Selected[foundNode] := True; end; end;

Black screen when compiling Android apk for Delphi X5 for Asus Live

I am simply creating an application with a button, nothing else, just to run an app on Asus Live, but when I send the app to ... t simply gets the screen all black and after a while closes. The same app in Zenfone 2 runs smoothly. Anyone have any ideas?


I would like to know if anyone knows how to implement the MVC pattern (BCE) in Delphi. I use DelphiXE5 and would like to make ... ssible, and I know that one of the solutions is to make it an MVC application. Any suggestions? Source ? Example? Thank you!

Access denied when deleting Registry (even in regedit)

I am trying to delete a Windows Registry using Delphi but without success (even with Regedit itself I can not). Code I'm usi ... Regedit: But when I delete by software (PC Hunter) the same and deleted successfully. How can I do to delete this record?

Teechat chart printing on Delphi XE5

I need to print a teechart chart in Delphi, but it gets totally disfigured when Smooth is unchecked. This is the graph that ... ia code I was able to find how to set the Proportional but I did not find the Smooth . Grafico1.PrintProportional := True;