
Deleting a locked folder or file

I'm trying to delete a folder and when I delete it, a window pops up and the text in it is: Операция не может быть завершена ... apshotHandle, FProcessEntry32); end; CloseHandle(FSnapshotHandle); end; Can someone tell me a simple version in Delphi ?

Text generation

This code generates text based on this principle: There is a template for example: - {best|cool / amazin ... Lines.Strings[0]))); for i:=0 to ss.count-2 do memo1.Lines.Add(s+' '+ss.Strings[i]+' '+ss.Strings[ss.count-1]); end; end.

How to open.svg file in delphi xe8

Delphi XE8 has a component for working with vector graphics (TPath). How do I read a *.svg vector file using FireMonkey? Her ... ot a valid floating point value. What how do I read a vector file without using additional downloadable, pluggable objects?