
Installing Zeos on Delphi XE8

How do I install the zeos component on Delphi XE8?

Customizing DB Grid with webservice data

I am creating a simple system to test the operation of Delphi with WebService REST, the first test is a search for data in th ... lumn titles get the name that arrives from the WS. I used the rest Debugger tool to do this communication from WS to Grid.

How to add a value to DBF

To read the file .DBF work as follows: I use a TADOConnection, the ConnectionString being for: Driver={Microsoft dBASE Dr ... OAO 18 0,00 As I expect the result: ID NOME COR ESTILO ESCALA 100 SAOJOAO 18 0,00

File corrupted when copying from one folder to another

I am locating and saving the files in a listbox1, as follows: procedure Localizar(DIR,ARQ: string; LIST: TStrings); var SR: ... r(Origem), PChar(Destino), true); end; end; Ok, it copies the files but when trying to open, it comrumps the Files:

Loop to make edits invisible

I have the following way, to make edits invisible. edt_raster5.visible := false; edt_raster6.visible := false; edt_raster7.v ... t getting it right...I tried the following but it clearly didn't work out. for i := 1 to 9 edt_raster[i].visible := false;

Fast reports tools do not appear in the tool palette

I am using Delphi-XE8 in a project that requires the creation of forms from DB data (FireDac), before my team used the versio ... se tools appear in the tool palette, I can't unravel the problem. The project was waxed on Delphi XE8 just like the new one.

customFormat LiveBindings couldn't find ifthen

I'm trying to use an inverted livebindigs, that is, I have a boolean field that comes from the database and I have to make a ... ame('tem_movimentacao').asboolean,false,true ); But an exception is thrown "EvalError in lpfVisible: couldn't find ifthen."

How do I change the path of my database when running the program?

I'm starting to program with Delphi XE8and using Firebird 2.5. I managed to implement my database and it is working all ri ... try to do this because I don't know how to start. I know how to change the parameters of the connection before compiling ".

Zipping files with the same name inside a folder

I would like to know if there is the possibility of doing the following scenario in Delhpi: I have a folder and inside it I ... ant a ready answer, but rather the feasibility of doing this in Delphi, remembering that the files I may not know their name.