
Dependency inversion by example

In the book "Clean Code" all the time it is said that the inversion of dependencies is a wonderful thing. Probably, this is t ... what, so that I do not annoy you in the future with correctly asked questions (in accordance with the their views) questions

Why do I need a Dependency Injection container?

The principle of Inversion of Control is clear and logical to me, but I can't understand why DI is needed. Example: public c ... nging just one word in one place. So what is the point of DI container then? Sorry if the question is stupid, I'm a beginner.

How does Inversion of Control (IoC) differ from Dependency Inversion (DIP)?

In the literature, there are two different concepts Inversion of control and The principle of inversion of dependencies, whic ... tractions. Abstractions should not depend on details. The details should depend on the abstractions. What is the difference?

IoC containers, are they really necessary?

When using the principle of "Dependency Inversion", it is recommended to use embedding via the constructor, but ultimately, a ... uch requests everywhere on created instance? After all, then the code becomes practically non-testable (meaning unit testing)

Examples of using DI in Android

I decided to study Dependency Injection a little, namely the Kodein library for Kotlin. I read a lot of articles, combed thro ... , I generally understand. Explain where these libs are most often used in Android?(I will be grateful for the code examples).