
Where to deploy a java project?

Where you can upload a java project, unfortunately the Cassandra database, in this regard, on Heroku for a fee. Are there free deploy systems for such a database?

What is an app deploy?

Please explain in simple words what is an application deploy? And why do you need services like Netlify and Vercel, if you can upload a project to GitHub and use the link that GitHub will create?

Error doing build in Jenkins

I'm having a problem setting up build in jenkins follows errors: This happens in the job configuration "in the build step", ... ion of maven and just below I need to configure the" goals " but in this step I can not solve. Follows image of the error.

Qt5widgets DLL error.dll when it is installed to another computer

I am trying to export an application built on Qt 5.7.0 (compiled to 32-bit, despite development taking place in a Windows 10, ... n-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll msvcp140.dll Qt5Core.dll Qt5Gui.dll Qt5Widgets.dll Tests.exe vcruntime140.dll

Deploy to Laravel projects

Hello! After a project is ready in Laravel, which folders and files are really useful to upload to the server? I currently use everything and find it kind of heavy.

Error starting Spring Boot with Tomcat 9.0.21

Situation: I have an application deployed with Spring Boot and I need to deploy to Tomcat (V9.0.21). Problem: I generated ... o generate SQL optimized for a particular DBMS = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect

Deploy Laravel application

I'm having trouble uploading my application to production environment. I tried several times as a step-by-step encounter and ... ator has access to a panel to administer the content of the page. Can anyone tell where I'm going wrong? Grateful right now.

How to configure Heroku procfile to find the path of the application that is not in the root of the project?

I have a springboot application in the git repository with the following configuration: /api .gitignore Procfile README. ... server.port=$PORT Does anyone know how I can configure the path for heroku to find the application inside the /api folder ?

Error starting an app in Flutter on physical Iphone [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... d with the "flutter create myapp" command. The error that appears is the same. I hope you can help me, thank you right now!

How to configure IIS on the server for Windows Authentication (via Active Directory) of an AspNet Core C#application?

Gentlemen, I own an application very similar to visual studio 2019 ready template. In it, through the 'Users.Identity.Name' ... Finally the question here is... Oq I need to do so that my application behave the same way as my application local?

Configure site in IIS in Windows 8

I have Windows 8 installed in my home. I made a website in ASP.Net and C # and now I went to put it on the air. In my house, ... IP put all not assigned and the post I left his standard (80). When I type the URL nothing comes. What else should I do?