
How to protect an assembly from decompilation?

Nowadays there are many disassemblers and recompilers for .NET Framework, the guy goes there, makes an application and everyo ... le servidor, username and password, can the guy who decompiled the app have access to the contents of these three variables?

How do antiviruses analyze my program?

I had a class in college that left me" kind of " intrigued, my teacher was talking about the differences of interpreted langu ... the main one is: If my code is compiled and you don't know how it was written, How do antiviruses know it can be dangerous?

Redeem code from an executable program?

I created a program to present in college, but due to problems in my HD, I lost its code and only have the executable I creat ... I need to know if it is possible to redeem without having to create the entire program again. I'm using Visual Studio 2013.

How does it work and what is the syntax of machine code? [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... an Assembly compiler that opens a message box saying something. Converted from hexadecimal to text by MS Windows Notepad: