
How to view contents of a file.bin generated in c

I had to create a program in C that reads a file (.txt) activation of motion sensors and produces a binary file with the same ... fwrite(&ativacao1,sizeof(char),4,arqSaida); } fclose(arqEntrada); fclose(arqSaida); return 0; }

I am having a problem with Dev C++ in displaying members of a class

To be more exact, when I squeeze "."after some object, type I declare a Vector: vector<int>Random; So far everythin ... l a function and the compiler does not show the arguments that go into the function, who uses dev c++ knows what I'm talking.

Code in dev C++ da problem, but in another compiler it works

The code is stopping responding on the last run. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h& ... TotalAlunos += alunos[i].notaFinal; i++; } mediaSala = notaTotalAlunos / qntdAlunos; return mediaSala; }

.txt with password in C?

I'm messing with file manipulation .txt and I wanted to know how to make to create a file .txt with a password in C, so that ... the contents of it to symbols and then retrieve, but what I want to do is make the file not "openable" without the password.

Comparison of equal elements and exclusion C++

I'm breaking my head to solve an exercise, I need to create a program that inserts elements into a chained list and then crea ... default: cout << "Opcao invalida\n"; break; } } return 0; }

Transfer content from one stack to another C++

I need to solve a question, it asks me to display the contents of a stack inversely, I thought a lot and came to the conclusi ... default: cout << "Opcao invalida\n"; break; } } return 0; }

Windows and Avast are blocking the compilation of programs in C

Whenever I worked with C language, I used College computers, so I never had problems compiling and running them in the Dev-c+ ... grams normally and prevent the antivirus from reading it before its execution (as this would make the process much slower). ?

"Printf not declared in this scope" even with the use of #include [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... izes reais"); } else { printf("A primeira raiz e : %f \n\nA segunda raiz e : %f \n\n",raiz1,raiz2); } }