
Search in depth, how to output the contents of the stack? Python

It is necessary to write an algorithm for traversing the graph by searching in depth, output the current vertex, DFS number, ... tex)+1) dfs(1) I can't figure out why vertices aren't removed from the stack if they don't already have adjacent vertices.

incorrect answer on two tests of the problem about the size of the connectivity component in the graph. Search in depth

Task condition: An undirected unweighted graph is given. For it, you need to find the number of vertices that lie in the ... to the checking system CHADNT?(I've seen other implementations, but I wanted to find out what exactly is wrong with my code)

Search for all cycles in a directed graph by depth-first traversal

I wrote a program to search for all cycles in a directed graph and their number by depth-first search. The graph is defined b ... lt; p[k][1] << ' ' << endl; ncycle++; } color[v]=2; } } }