
Conceptual model

I was looking at the conceptual model diagrams, I saw some that contains the attributes and entities like this: And other ... ? If it is necessary to declare the attributes, what is done when a Entity has a huge amount of attributes, like 30 or more?

Is there a "description" language of UML?

May be a pretty silly question, but I've researched it and found nothing in the sense I'm thinking. I am studying UML in coll ... be it would be easier for analysts to create UML diagrams in a similar way... Already exists something like this for UML?

Algorithm with flowchart / diagram

Guys, I'm doing a logic course and dropped the following Question: Draw a block diagram to verify which products need to ... and quantity to buy I did so, and I wonder if I'm more or less on the right track or completely off course and why?

What does a class diagram contain?

The title is a kind of stupid question, as the diagram name already answers. But yesterday this question popped into my head ... oped with JSF, would be the Bean). Is that right? I mean, it's not common to see a diagram like that, does it really exist?

Software to create Class Diagram [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... I would like to know what software used or if there is any online site for creating class diagrams, could someone point me?

Sequence diagram with web-facing MVC!

Good Afternoon folks, I'm having second thoughts about some sequence diagrams I'm developing for a college job. In theory I ... deling the project trying to use MVC architecture and that the project is a webapp! Any suggestions? Photos of wireframe

Is there a collaborative online tool for use case diagram and sequence diagram? [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... , editing and re-uploading for the other members of the group, is there any "Google Docs type" tool for this type of diagram?

make Sankey diagram with two-way links R

I have the following data that I use to make the Sankey diagram: list(nodes = structure(list(name = c("1.1.1. Formação Flor ... that I can do the graph with nodes in the two senses and what support self-reference and circular references as in Figure 1?

join and merge activity diagram

What is the difference between Join and Merge in the activity diagram? I would like a simple example of each of them to better understand.

Use cases for color guessing game

In order to practice APOO I'm trying to apply use cases to a simple color guessing game. Here would be it visually. The user ... ts. How do I represent this in the use case diagram? Or is this not correct(should it be just a precondition, for example)?

How to read this relationship in this ER diagram?

Having this diagram ER how do I read the relationship between Account and customer? I thought I would read as follows "a c ... N accounts, and an account is always associated with M customers" is this reading form correct to describe m:N relationships?

UML, flowchart between pages

I remember seeing something similar in college, but because it's been too many years I forgot. Which diagram should I use to ... agram with a color relative to the profile that has access. It's more or less that, so I can document the pages and the flow.