
Is there a "description" language of UML?

May be a pretty silly question, but I've researched it and found nothing in the sense I'm thinking. I am studying UML in coll ... be it would be easier for analysts to create UML diagrams in a similar way... Already exists something like this for UML?

Class diagram X Entity-Relationship diagram

I'm stuck in the poo X relational database impasse. To better substantiate my questions follows, in first some (simplified) m ... class Romaneio { public static int inserir(bean.Romaneio Romaneio) throws SQLException{ } } I thank you right now.

UML-Class Diagram [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... y to identify an object? For a class can be both a noun (customer), and an Action (Register customer). I appreciate it now.