
How do I build a bar chart based on counting the unique values in a column?

I want to build a bar chart (Bar chart) based on counting the unique values in the column: count 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 2 5 3 4 3 3 3 ... he list. How can this b be used to make exactly a list of "meetings", so that you can build a diagram: bars = plt.bar(a, b)

Are the relationships displayed correctly in the diagram?

Use case diagram. Are the relationships displayed correctly in the diagram?

Can an abstract method be in a non-abstract class?

Please explain the point with the UML diagram: I understand that abstract methods and classes are written in italics in the diagram. How, then, can an abstract method be not in an abstract class? Thank you in advance.

Pie Chart on Chart

There is a pie chart on Chart. Code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using Sy ... t only on salaries). 2. If the sector is smaller than its name, then how to display the name of the sector next to it.

What is an action data flow diagram?

I am preparing for an exam, there is a question about the data flow diagram of actions. I am reading the book by Sally Schlee ... ions and the interaction between them. P.S. This doesn't apply directly to writing code, but I don't know where else to ask.