
How to create a directory in Python?

How can I use Python to create a particular directory? For example: app/ main.py How could I do to create a directory called temp inside app through Python main.py?

How do I create a directory through the Harbour language?

How do I create a directory through the Harbour language? For example, I want to create a folder temp inside the current directory from where the program is running.

Zipar directory with PHP

I have a code that compacts file and directory. The problem is that it compresses the files and directories that are in the r ... l.$folder.'<br>'; } } } } $raiz = str_replace("\\", "/", getcwd())."/"; Show_files($raiz); ?>

List files from a folder / directory in PHP of certain extensions

I need to list the files in a folder, and display them by the name linked to its directory for download. I use this Code: ... splays the directory and the complete file like this: uploads/editail1.jpg And I wanted it to display only the file name.

Move all files with the extension.prj for a folder

I would like to know if the following situation is possible: There are several folders inside each other... and inside them ... th the extension .prj. Is it possible to read all the folders, go finding the files .prj, and go pasting in a result folder?

How to join several text files into one?

Does anyone know how to select all the text files from the same directory and merge the information of all of them into one f ... lder.ToString(); string newFilePath = @"C:\Lala.txt"; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(newFilePath, bulidOutput);

What does vendor mean?

A folder named vendor is commonly used in web projects. Here are some examples: rklet, ytd . What is the purpose and importance of this folder? Why does she have that name?

What is the purpose of the Assets directory?

I'm starting to learn about Unity, and in my first project I got a question about the Assets Directory. It contains some file ... ile types as well. Therefore, I would like to know what is the purpose of the assets directory in projects made with Unity?

What are file and directory descriptors?

I am studying the módulo os of the standard library of Python and I notice that in many cases a function is allowed to receiv ... os.chdir in os.supports_fd My doubts are: what is a descritor de arquivo? what is a descritor de diretório aberto?

Python String corrupted with character \

I have a program that creates for its operation another program on the user's computer. In a snippet, I set the directory the ... lable at https://ideone.com/KTAQxf from lines 4 to 24; the rest are just Main Code context. The error happens with Line 10.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'authorizations'

How can I import a folder using Python in Spyder ? I currently have the following structure of dir Gestao | |_ Aplicacao ... undError: No module named 'autorizacoes' When using Spyder the way to import a folder is different, is there any other way?

Program.jar created does not run!

I made the following program in java to automatically exchange a file in a computer directory: public static void main(Stri ... it is stated that could not locate nor Load Master Class. Does anyone know what the possible causes of this? Thank you!!!!!!

How to create directory with a path that works for any OS?

I'm doing a job in Java and I need my program to create a directory in the user's "home" folder, but it needs to be able to create in both Linux and Windows. Is it possible to create a "generic" path to such?

How to get the default operating system temporary directory in PHP?

In PHP, is there any way [or some function that has the purpose] to get the directory where temporary files are saved in a ce ... not exist, it returns a file name along with the temporary folder. But I want to know how to get only the temporary folder.

I can't delete the "cloned" folder with Case-Sensitive in my GitHub repository

I created a repository on Github and sent my application containing an X folder with the whole name in lowercase, when in f ... e for me to delete the folder with the lowercase name. Folder/ file.txt What do I do to delete the folder with the old name?