
Should I always use Dispose?

A doubt I've always had. I see that there are many objects with dispose method, I read about it serves to free resources. But ... sposable ? When should I use Dispose, when the object is destroyed it does not automatically release to me all the resources?

Should the HttpClient, or should it not, be used within a using block?

While reading this answer, to a question related to the use of using, I was curious about the following statement: In f ... was not sufficiently enlightening, then the question remains: Should Or should HttpClient not be used within a using block?

How to free memory in a WPF application in C#? [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... Seems to be related to RadGridView's x:Name, I did some testing and apparently improved the scenario but I'm still parsing.