
Django-admin uploading multiple photos at a time?

Hello. For a project, I need to be able to upload multiple images (different amounts) for each product. A good example is any ... first collect the photo in a zip, and then send it to the current. But I can't choose a few photos myself django version 2.2

Django error 405

I don't know anything about Django, I've been studying it for a week. At the next start, it started to give an error of 405. There is a lot of code to throw, so if it is not difficult, please tell me what can be the reasons for this error?

Error installing django admin tools

I did everything according to the manual in INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'admin_tools', 'admin_tools.theming', 'admin_tool ... ule import(name) ImportError: No module named admindjango.contrib How to solve it? I didn't find the answer in Google

django-admin-tools 0.8 after installation and configuration gives an error 404 when popitka login to the admin panel

I installed and configured the django-admin-tools 0.8 plugin according to the documentation. Django version 1.11.4. I do the ... go to the admin panel, an error appears: 404 File not found Question: what is the problem? Thank you for your time.

Rename application in Django Admin

Good night guys, I'm trying to rename the application in django admin according to the documentation, but it ended up having ... 'm doing something wrong, I need some import in those files?? I am new to django and anyone who can help me I thank you!! '

Set the user logged in to model | Django + Python3 as default

I'm trying to learn Django, and with that I'm trying to create a simple ticket system. I have advanced a lot in my studies, ... e logged in user so that I can identify who opened the ticket. Follows form image: All help is welcome! Thank you guys!

Upload photo with Model name in Django

Would like help for a task of saving images with a custom name and a folder also with the current name, suppose the following ... t to: Producto.Rice 101.jpg Inside a folder called "product a". Thus resulting in: Product To / Producta.Rice 101.jpg

ValueError: Cannot assign "'1'": "User.campus "must be a "Campus" instance. Django Super User registration error

I am developing an application where the user needs to be on a campus. However, when creating the' superuser ' in the termina ... l=False) def __str__(self): return self.nome class Meta: verbose_name = 'Campus' verbose_name_plural = 'Campi'