
Alternative to ZoneEdit. How?

Hello everyone Guys, this is the problem: I have a domain registered with a kalichny registrar, it changes only according to ... nd it is not known when exactly. So I want to manage the domain myself, and, as I was told, services like zoneedit can help.

How do I know who is changing the /etc/resolv.conf file?

I added my dns server to /etc/resolv.conf, as well as additional options: nameserver nameserver n ... hours: nameserver How do I know who is rolling it back? By "who" I mean which service, or script, or whatever.

How do I disable ipv6 dns queries in dnsmasq?

On my hosting, ipv6 is disabled at the sysctl level, but dnsmasq still sends ipv6 dns requests. And, as a rule, these reques ... ly query[A] queries and query[AAAA] none. I tested it with the min-cache-ttl=120 parameter, it doesn't help, nothing changes.

As when accessing the ww2.example.com call the contents of the domains/example.com/html/ww2 / directory?

Required at ww2.example.com call the contents of the /home/clients/test_ftp0/domains/example.com/html/ww2 directory/ I tried ... ST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /ww2/$1 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?ww2.loungefirst.ml$ RewriteRule ^(/)?$ ww2/ [L]

What is the best way to implement the update of DNS server addresses in the program using OpenNIC

There is a" service " OpenNIC allows you to get the addresses of DNS servers using the API, for accessing .lib domain names ... ter, then nothing works. We started making the program itself in Qt C++, but we can give examples in other languages as well.

Domain names are not resolved through a proxy

I make a browser on Qt using QtWebEngine. When I fasten the proxy on it, there is a dns leak. QWebEngineSettings::DnsPrefet ... p); w->load(QUrl("https://browserleaks.com/ip")); this->setCentralWidget(w); this->resize(900,900); }

Use OpenVPN server as a DNS server?

Do I use OpenVPN server as a DNS server? Hi, I have a corporate network of / 22. There is a DC, there is also DN ... ons? Can I DNS Forwarder not correctly insist? Or do you have to do something different? overlapping ? Thank you in advance!

How to link heroku and nic.ru?

This is the first time I'm trying to do this, so I'm having problems. To begin with, of course, I read about dns, what it is ... es, I still have a poor understanding of the various types DNS records, but please help at this stage. What am I doing wrong?

Do I need bind if I use DNSmanager?

Now on the CentOS 7 server there is apache and bind. When adding a domain, a config for the domain is created in bind, as wel ... dd the domain only in DNSmanager, but as master with the server IP specified. If so, will such a scheme work with subdomains?

Display the content of one domain on another (DNS)

Good afternoon. An interesting task appeared. It is necessary to display the content of the site beta.site.ru On the domain m ... frames. There is an idea that this can be done using DNS, but I do not know how to do this. Does anyone know how to do this?

How to correctly register a PTR record?

For the ip address, you need to register a PTR record smtp.reatra.ru. The 'A' records are there and working, y ... ged to do this if this ip is allocated for me personally (VDS), or can he refuse? (don't answer the question at the moment).

Why are the sites not accessible by ip address?

Why, if you type in the browser's search bar the ip address of the site instead of the url, it will not be available? If I'm not mistaken, the browser will not open the site by ip address, even if the site has a dedicated ip.

Administration of Mikrotik. Spurious traffic on port 53, what to do?

On the 53/udp port of the router, a noticeable amount of traffic drops during the day. I already read about DNS Amplification ... rganize filtering and whether this traffic is necessary for the router to work. UPD: There is a web server behind the router

Configuring the Tor Expert Bundle windows 7/8/10

Downloaded and unpacked Tor Expert Bundle. Configure it as a win32 service like this D:\path\to\tor.exe" --nt-service "-f" " ... nfigured and apparently for this, too, I can not go to .onion domains. Or is that not the point? How to configure everything?

How to bind a domain to an ip address in ubuntu (DNS server)?

There is a domain mydomen.ru. There is a server with a static external ip address ( on ubuntu. How can I link ... g outside (or inside) the network to site.mydomen.ru, eventually the request would come to the local computer

Is it possible to deploy your DNS over HTTPS server and will it work if the DNS is disabled in the country?

Or locally, you can write down the IP addresses of popular sites, such as Yandex, and go by IP in such a situation?? For example, access Yandex by IP


Customers sometimes complain that they are periodically unable to access the site. An error occurs, as in the screenshot: T ... DNS records on the hosting or registrar, but where exactly? Where to dig? PS: I can provide screenshots of the DNS settings.

What can I do to prevent vk from blocking the link click?

There is a website on the home computer (ip white dynamic) and a configured dynamic dns. The problem is that if I forward suc ... vk. There, it will be replaced by {[2] as standard.]} When you click on such a link, a stub is set instead of a redirect.

Redirect DDNS to Tomcat

I created a free DDNS in Winco and wanted to know how do I redirect the same to an application in Tomcat. At the current moment when I access DDNS, it redirects to my modem page.

How do I create local domains to test my websites and applications?

For my tests I would like to create a redirect from any domain to localhost:porta on local computer, on Windows. I thought i ... d need if it were for localhost:8888, for example, and not just for Is there a less dramatic way to do this?